View Full Version : The calm before the storm?

23-02-09, 16:44
Hi All

Does anyone else find that a panic attack often comes after feeling on top of the world? Or is it just psychological or coincidence?

I have been doing great, had a really good week of sleeping well, nipping negative thoughts in the bud, not being SO worried all the time etc etc and BHAM...out of nowhere comes a panic attack :scared15:!!

I have no idea where it came from, I felt calm previous to it, no dramas or anything.

I did manage to control it though with my breathing before it became a full blown attack...not easy as you're trying to drive in a straight line!

Anyone else have certain times an attack comes on??

L x

24-02-09, 11:08
Absolutely. I have just posted a thread where I was feeling like i was managing things and then BAM ! aches and pains commence, pins and needles come back, my throat\sinuses\ears are playing up.
It is ridiculous - I wasn;t even worrying or anxious in any way. It totally came out of the blue and is like it has a life of its own. Like you, I did the breathing, dismissing negative thoughts etc - however I am now sitting here with my back\neck\arm playing up and a scratchy throat.
Really pisses me off - does it get better?

24-02-09, 23:32
I'm exactly the same....I had just seen my psycho dude and felt really osirivr and came Out, got In my car, sang the verve "drugs don't work" and bam....panic attack out of nowhere!!! I think our minds r so ridiculous. I want a head transplant please!!!! Stay strong and fight it!!!

24-02-09, 23:33
That was meant to say positive not isirive.... I'm on the iPhone!!! Blimen thing. Fat fingers. :-)