View Full Version : Split second dizziness then panic

23-02-09, 17:25
I do have damage to my neck and have on and off over many years had sudden attacks of vertigo that usually last a few seconds- occasionally minutes and very rarely up to 10 mins. It is an intense sensation as if everything is shifting side to side very fast. I then get adrenaline rush and go exceedingly hot and sweaty, pounding heartbeat - need to go to the loo:blush: and feel very panicky.
I have thankfully not had these attacks for many many months- I even one time went 9 mnths between them. When they do start i tend to get them alot over a few weeks which really freaks me out.
I know that my neck damage can affect your balance and my neck has been very painful recently but today I went into a cafe that was above a large shop and its all windows floor to ceiling and I have terror of heiights - the walk up the staircase is all open and glass as well. i was feeling very anxious and then they sat me by the window which I tried my best not to look out of - I was talking to my husband when I got one of my funny turns - I did manage to hang on in there till we had both finished our coffees but since then keep getting this split second everything moves feeling with the rush of hot sweaty panic.

anyone relate??

23-02-09, 18:07
I get this and it freaks me out. I hate it x sometimes I take stemetil x

23-02-09, 18:54

Yes I can so relate to what you are explaining here, I often get this when I am in a large place and everything is a bit bewildering for me. Just your description of the place you were in when this happened made me feel bad, sounds just like the kind of place where I would have a panic attack. I think you did so well seeing it through well done be proud of yourself.


23-02-09, 20:49
I am so glad that I decided to have a nose around the HA forum!

I'm not a HA sufferer but you have described what happens to me, I didn't know whether to class it as a PA or what..:shrug:
I take my daughter to college every week and have to sit and wait in the canteen until her lesson is finished. Now I don't feel nervous in the canteen (nice low ceilings, minimal glass :winks: ) but this has been happening to me every week. I sit there reading and all of a sudden I get this feeling that I'm going to fall..it's like a flash. My legs tense up immediately and I have to hang on to the edge of the table, it's almost like some outer force is having a tug of war with my body. I try and let go of the table and start wriggling my legs to reassure myself that I'm still in charge of my body..it works but that involuntary muscle tensing is still flashing through my body, arms, shoulders, the lot. It only stops completely when I actually get up from the table.
Same thing happens at my doctors but that is on the first floor and the whole damned building is made out of glass..:scared15: , I can just about make it down the stairs.
Thanks for posting this, I feel a certain sense of relief to know that I'm not alone.

23-02-09, 22:34
thanks everyone nice to know I am not the only one clutching the table:D

I think with me its a combination - the damage to my neck can upset the balance receptors in the neck muscles and vertebrae and have had this explained to me by a neurosurgeon so I know its a fact but my problem is that this sends me into a terrible panic.

My husband has also now got arthritis in his neck and he gets this dizziness more than I do usually but he doesn't know the meaning of the word panic and just thinks xxxx this is really annoying and carries on:wacko: oh how I envy him this attitude. He doesn't worry about it happening when he is out of the house and just ignores it - we can be outside and he will suddenly clutch me and I will have to hold him for a few seconds and then he says okay lets carry on - with me I am a quaking sweating palpitating mess:huh:

I know I am not alone in my panic because would you believe it but a neighbour of mine has damage to his neck and he gets bad vertigo attacks and he developed anxiety as a result when he didn't have it before and every now and again he rings me up for reassurance that he is not alone with his weird sensations and symptoms and I can reassure him:yesyes:

Sometimes when I get this I also get a very weird sensation when I lay down in bed as if I am falling down the bed for a second and feeling like electric charge rushes up my body - again not sure if this is result of all the anxiety or neck related.

24-02-09, 07:39
I to suffer this, this is really awful i get so scared, i feel like iam going ot pass out, i hate it, my anxiety is with me 24/7 its not a nice place to be, I cant go to sleep very well as my heart feels like its going to stop,

I have recently started taking sertraline 50mg but my goodness i think they are making me worse, i dont like pills at the best of times but at the moment its not good, ive only took 3 pills so far, just hope these side effects go away soon.

I hate going anywhere, i hate very bad dizzy turns when iam driving to and its awful, i have to try and pull over as it isnt a nice feeling, i worry all the time about these turns, my dr thinks i have vertigo

Hope you feel better soon xx

24-02-09, 10:12

I no just how u are feeling, i get exactly the same.

take care

love mandie x