View Full Version : been doing well, but....

23-02-09, 18:52
hi everyone, ive been doing really well with my anxiety.

ive recently discovered im pregnant (7 weeks) so i have something to focus my energy on.

1st thing i wanted to ask is- i am currently on citalopram 10mg daily and am quite frankly terrified of coming off it even though i know ill have to. has anyone got any tips for me? ways of coping?

2nd thing is, recently ive developed a new 'thing'. an example is that im on a forum for preganant ladies and one of them recently posted a message and i thought to myself that she was being a bit of a drama queen and then she had a miscarriage. i felt awful and instantly felt it was my fault which i know it wasnt and its irrational. but ive recently noticed that these thoughts all along similar lines of blaming myself if something bad happens to someone and ive had negative thoughts about them (even ppl on tv!!) keep popping into my head. to be honest i just want them to bugger off and leave me alone as ive been doing so well recently.

any advice or support would be greatly appreciated
love mog x x x