View Full Version : The Real Me

23-02-09, 20:04
Ever feel like you want to cry but you cant? And you feel sad but its not quite sad for the you you project its for the inner you ... the real you.

When I do cry, more often than not its out of sadness for the weak, vulnerable, terrified, shaking person who I really am. I feel like I project someone strong and able to cope, with more confidence, someone who doesnt really care what anyone thinks of them.
But I can always feel that real me somewhere inside =(

I try to rationalise this, if I wasnt so emotional I wouldnt be half the person I am ... I mean the bad things of course are I'm easily upset, I take offense at the slightest thing, I worry all the time - but the same emotion gives me my ability to empathise, my caring, loving and kind nature. I know this but still I wish I was the strong me I show on the outside :weep:

23-02-09, 20:33
Hi :)

You have just described me down to the last detail.

I too have a very real fear of showing "weakness", in fact this is probably the only place where I have blown my cover a bit. :winks:

I don't know the answer to this, I know that I have built up this "outside persona" after years of feeling out of place but I guess that I have come to accept that this is the only way I can be and that the soft-centred emotional side is the part that's most important..it's the part that can empathise with others who are also struggling.
Maybe we should try to stop seeing ourselves as 2 seperate entities and and acknowledge that the "two halves" we have got make for an ok whole. :)

23-02-09, 21:58
I think we all tend to project a strong outward persona, either that or we are perceived as being okay.
People I know and even some family members are shocked to find I'm not quite the outgoing bubbly person they think I am.
I'm not sure if it's good to put on a brave face or not. :shrug:
Most of the people I deal with in my work have no idea of the 'real' me.
I've perfected quite a good mask, either because I didn't want to show weakness or just that I'm a bit embarrassed by feeling this way as I look fit and healthy on the outside
