View Full Version : Panic attacks again!!

i hate panicking
23-02-09, 20:23
Hi all,

I'm feeling really bad tonight worse than i've been in ages,I suffer from panic attacks and health anxiety and constantly worry about things...which does not help when you get panic attacks.
I keep thinking something is wrong with me :weep:.


23-02-09, 20:31
Bless you. I so sympathise. Just try and ride it through and tell yourself that every weird horrible feeling is just a symptom and will pass..

Wishing you lots of happiness

i hate panicking
23-02-09, 20:37
Thank you for the reply just not feeling myself:scared15:

25-02-09, 11:11
Hey, i have suffered with HA for 20 years, and I'm still only 33!! it really does suck, as i feel i am wasting my life with constant worry that i have something wrong with me. I don't 'live' i worry!! It really gets me down and i find it hard to be happy, sounds strange to say that but i have got into such a routine of feeling crappy all the time it has now become habit forming and is hard to break.

For me right now a day without HA would be bliss :)

Hope you feel better soon


i hate panicking
25-02-09, 11:28
Awww thank you for your replies,I have two small children so they keep me busy in the day(in other words not much time to think).
But at night the panic attacks start!!:weep:

25-02-09, 11:50
I hate to think what it's like having to bring up children and run a family when you feel like that.
I suppose it does take your mind of things, but it must be difficult.
Hope you start to feel better soon


i hate panicking
25-02-09, 12:25
Yes it is difficult with a family but then on the other hand it keeps me busy!
