View Full Version : Muscle Twitching

23-02-09, 21:47
Hi folks,

I only just joined tonight and was wondering if anyone can tell me if they have ever experienced what I am experiencing.

I have been troubled with an anxiety disorder and depression since I was about 17, I am now 26. It flares up every so often and after a few weeks of taking medication and talking to my GP, the problems seem to die down. It always centres around health issues and I get into a terrible state at the most trivial of things at times regarding my health and from then the fear becomes almost unbearable.

My latest episode started in December when I became worried about a mole on my arm. I went to my GP who said it was perfectly normal and not to lose any more sleep over it. Then I got worried about other things and went back to another GP who gave me a relaxation CD and told me to come back in a couple of weeks.

Over the last few days however, I have been getting mild headaches and I feel as though my muscles are going crazy in my left leg (also sometimes my other leg). It tingles and I also feel a little bit of pain and it feels a little bit like dead leg sometimes. I am so worried about this, to the point where I feel sick about it. I have Uni work to complete for this week but can't concentrate on it for worrying. I am convinced that it's something serious but I just wanted to ask if these things can occur because of anxiety?


23-02-09, 22:53
Yes. Your experiences resonate loudly - even the moles!
I'm now 37 - if I'd have understood at 26 what you already understand...

Not that my life could have/would have been better - I love my life. But I would have understood...

PS my issues started at Uni too.

23-02-09, 23:21
Thanks for replying.

My toes have been twitching on and off as well, last night and today. It's driving me mental.

I know it doesn't help but the only time I stop worrying is when I drink. I drank last night but I haven't done so tonight.

It's a vicious circle just now.

24-02-09, 08:44
Cico, my legs and toes have been twitching a lot and feeling stiff for about three months; my doctor tells me it is anxiety and related muscle tension so I have to believe that, even though it also worries me no end. I also have a miriad of other 'symptoms', all of which started after I had stupidly googled.

I agree about drinking stopping the worry, it works every time although I am now old enough (32) to realise it isn't the solution. Get to your doctor, get some reassurance that you're ok and then concentrate on getting your degree.

24-02-09, 08:45
Do your toes twitch more when your legs are relaxed - ie when you sit down or go to bed? If so it makes sense that they twitch as your muscles relax.

24-02-09, 10:19
Do your toes twitch more when your legs are relaxed - ie when you sit down or go to bed? If so it makes sense that they twitch as your muscles relax.

Thanks mate, your words are reassuring.

And yes, it's really only when I am sitting down or lieing in bed that I can feel it.

24-02-09, 11:03
This is exactly what I had and I reacted in the same way - getting myself sick with worry.
The reason your legs\toes twitch is because you are so tense and when you relax - your muscles which have been wound up - release that energy and you twitch.
A myotherapist\deep tissue massage will really help with this.
Believe me this is all normal, however I know exactly how you feel and why you react the way you do.

24-02-09, 12:29
Thanks for the advice molpookski. It is gratefully appreciated.

I have to see my GP on Friday anyway because of my anxiety. I will mentions these symptoms to her and see what she has to say.

24-02-09, 13:44
I was convinced I had a neurological disease and was going to die a horrid death - deep down it still worries me but I am trying to be positive, you have to believe it if the doctors tell you you're ok. Anyway Cico, another good thing to do if your problem is the same as mine is to go for a run / long brisk walk regularly, this will help your legs I think, and possibly your mind as well. I have started walking for 30-45 minutes every night and am feeling a lot better. My mouth, jaw an tongue feel really weird now as well, and my hands and fingers shake a lot, but I am trying to ignore it as all those 'symptoms' can be attributed to good old anxiety.

24-02-09, 14:54
I went for a fairly long walk last night Norwich and your right it did help, at least for a while.

I'm sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but today I have been feeling a bit calmer but the feelings in my leg are still the same. Is it normal for anxiety symptoms to persist even when you are feeling a bit less worried about things?

I keep thinking about it all still, despite not being panicky. I suppose if it's always on my mind, I will notice every little twitch, tingle, pain or whatever 10 times more than I would if my mind was concentrated on other things.

24-02-09, 15:36
You are clearly still anxious as otherwise you wouldn't be posting on here. I think symptoms will take a long while to subside, until you are truly not anxious and are rested, so just get used to them and learn to live with them, before they start ruining your life.

As an example of how they can ruin your life if you can't deal with them; I am going on holiday tomorrow, only for 4 days but to a place where I have wanted to go all my life - I should be looking forward to it so much but my underlying anxiety means I'm not too excited at all, in fact in many ways I wish we weren't going - its a massive shame, anxiety is a real sh1t!

24-02-09, 15:38
There are various self-help books that you should read as well. One is Claire Weeke's 'self help for your nerves' and another is An Introduction to Coping with Health Anxiety (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Coping-Health-Anxiety/dp/1845292871/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235489828&sr=1-1) by Charles Young and Brenda Hogan which is about three quid on amazon. They helped me a lot and are good to refer back to when your anxiety is on the rise.

agent orange
24-02-09, 17:36
cico. you can still feel the problems even when you are resting. Anxiety symptoms can carry on for years. I have had symptoms for many years and it's because I cannot accept that it is only anxiety. My legs buzz, vibrate, tingle. I was worried like a lot of people about a neurological disease;I even went for a test, and an MRI and it was all negative. Look at ITOLDYOUIWASILL's thread and that may help you. It's all about accepting that it is anxiety, if the doctor has told you so.