View Full Version : Prescripion/Therapy Worries PLEASE READ/RESPOND!!

23-02-09, 22:40
So. this is in he health forum only because I am mostly worried about the mental health effects. I'm just wary of what to do here. My currently plan after doing one or two final tests to re-assure myself it ins't physical related (though I've been told by 8 doctors now)...is to take Zoloft at 12.5mg for two weeks, then go up to 25mg for a week and see how that goes. I also have .5mg of Clonazepam to counteract the extra anxiety (or IF Zoloft creates any at first as a side effect).

The Clonasepam definiely chills me down, just one tablet. But it makes quite tired, and sometimes has given me a light (tolerable) headache. Anyway, I'm nervous to take the Zoloft. Apparently according to online research and stuff from my friends who've taken it, it's mostly mixed, but I've certainly seen an outstanding amount of positivity.

The side effects I'm really only worried about are derealization increasing rather then going away, and feeling "numb" and sleepy. Underneath all this anxiety still KNOW that Jon is here, I don't want that surpressed. They told me they wanted me to try that route, as well as do CBT, and then ween off he meds entirely in a few months.

So, I was wondering some people's reactions in the long run, who actually stuck it out, Any help would be greatly apreciated! Oh, and he also mentioned Cymbalta and Lexapro as options. I had heard mixed things about those as well. I know there really is no "perfect drug" and it's different for everyone, however, Zoloft seems to have the widest base and the most positive (though some annoying side effects) online. And, it is people's tendency to go and trash a product more than it is to give a rave review, statistically..hah, I certainly (oddly) don't go on a post positive feedback of things I try online, I just...like them haha.

Also. completely unrelated, is a resting heart rate of 75-85 normal for an 18 year old (pretty in shape male)? I'm sure it'd be lower if i exercised more, but I haven't been able to do my routines for a few months due to his panic crap.

24-02-09, 01:07
Hi there

I wouldn't worry too much about the meds., Internet research is a great way to make yourself worry more. Re. side-effects, if you read the "patient information leaflet" in a pack of Asprin, you'll read all sorts of nasty things. But it's just legal speak to cover themselves. In the dim and distant past, a doc just gave you something, and you took it. We live in an age of information overload.

Personally, I worry more about taking meds so I don't, and live with the anxiety for now. But I can still realise they can help (shows how silly this anxiety stuff is, but that doesn't mean WE are silly ourselves).

Go for the CBT - I firmly believe that "talking cures" are so much better than meds - for me at least. If that doesn't help (it didn't for me) try psychotherapy or psychoanalysis (that's what I am currently doing). It's a long haul, but WE WILL get over this!

Re. heart rate - that's great and nothing to worry about. Wish mine was that good! Try to do your exercise, and if you can't, just go some good long walks - I find walking in woods and forests really helps.

I do know what it's like, so hang in there mate.

