View Full Version : I went to the theatre and didnt panic!!!!

23-02-09, 23:22
I cant believe it, im still on a high and just had to share it with someone who understands.
I ve suffered with panic disorder/agrophobia etc for a long time now and over the years have really limited my 'safe' distance from home and where i will/wont go. So something like the theatre wouldnt even be something i could consider. However, my kids really wanted to go yesterday to see chucklevision and, fed up with feeling so guilty all the time i took the plunge.
I should add that i have been on 5htp now for about 3/4 weeks and have really started to feel different lately.
So we went and i manged to stand around in a small packed room waiting to go in to theatre, sat through the show without any need to go out and even qeued afterwards for half hour in a very cramped hot corridoor so kids could meet there idols.
Im not saying i didnt feel anything but even though i felt the tremor of panic slightly, it stayed beneath the surface and it didnt come to anything like it always usually does. I just stood there like i was dreaming and said to myself 'how the hell am i doing this'?
I was so chuffed with myself for even making the effort to try something so huge for me, but to then actually enjoy it too was amazing. My partner thinks its no big deal really so i just had to tell someone who relates to me..hope you dont mind.
I really think the tablets and positive thinking are helping me:yesyes:

23-02-09, 23:47

Well done you :yesyes:

That is a great acheivement as we all no here on nmp

love mandie x

23-02-09, 23:53
Thanks Mandie,
it can be so frustrating when you want people closest to you just dont get it.

24-02-09, 00:22
:yesyes: CONGRATULATIONS :yesyes:

:yahoo: WELL DONE :yahoo:

I know how it feels to accomplish something on this scale and I am so thrilled for you! .. Remember this, and use it to keep yourself postive when you decide to face another adventure.

:bighug1: Huggles xx

24-02-09, 00:54
Well done :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: ...I understand just how big a thing it is to do something like that, I'm still working on it :blush: ...so pleased to read of someone acheiving what at one time (if you're anything like me) would of seemed unacheviable ...You did really well and you should feel really proud of yourself :yahoo: ...Oh and give your partner a kick from me and tell him it is a big deal lol

tc Orangecrush x

24-02-09, 03:13
wow you did really well! and now hopefully that good experince will motivate you.

24-02-09, 09:07
it is a big deal and u should be proud of yourself well done . keep fighting .

24-02-09, 09:29
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
WELL DONE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

i know exactly how you feel - i conquered this one in nov/dec last year and then again in january - cost me a fortune, but worth every penny:yesyes: you may end up addicted like me ha ha:roflmao: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: emma:hugs:

24-02-09, 11:08
Hi Emma B, :)

That's great news!! :yesyes:

WELL DONE!! :yahoo:

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

24-02-09, 15:22
Hey well done you!!!
I am exactly the same as you - theatres etc are the worst - its always hot and I feel trapped - I always sit at the end of a row and lately have started to force myself to go to theseplaces as for 27 years of marriage my poor husband has had to miss his favourite past time - going to shows etc. We saw Jools Holland at christmas and have just booked to see Flashdance the musical and also James Taylor int he summer - I am excited and am trying to let that over ride the fear of being stuck in a hot theatre and trapped. My only way I can do this is to have an end of the row seat at the back of the theatre near an exit so I understand how amazing it is when you do go to these things - well done you!!!!
Wenjoy x

eternally optimistic
24-02-09, 21:25
Hoooray Emma,

Well done you and get organising that next event ..


25-02-09, 09:29
:yesyes: hi yeah i was on a buzz - especially after FLASHDANCE - it was fab - wenjoy you will love it, im sure:yesyes: only prob is the small fortune it cost that i now have to pay off:blush: but atleast now i know i can handle it - since ive been sufferign ive only been to the cinema or theatre in my own town (well a couple of times, because its not very good!) i go to the pics all the times but only recently have i been able to be spntaneous about when i go and where i sit - it has taken years - and all the musicals i went to we werent able to 'escape' it made it harder, but it also pushed my improvement on. we went to the men in november and had to sit right at the bottom down these massive flights of steps that made me feel ill!!!! and we were in the middle of a row and it was packed -the only thing i did have to do was leave a little bit early - but that was the first time id even been to a big palce like that in my life!:blush: so yes i am still buzzing about that one - i think i turned a corner that night that ill never ever go back round again :yesyes:

25-02-09, 16:38
Hey well done you - know what you mean - at my daughters graduation last summer we had to sit int he middle row of a hot auditorium -= I had to leave hubby on his own and sit by the door with the usherette ladies as I felt so panicky but I did stay and see my daughter get her Certificate!!
Onward and upwards as they say!! Wenjoy x

25-02-09, 17:25
Well done emma b

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: