View Full Version : Muscle Twitches/pains

23-02-09, 23:48
I have had generalized anxiety on and off for 18 years. I have had full on attacks and from time to time have 'health related anxiety'. This happens to be one of those times! I have been plagued with muscle twitches and discomfort for the past couple of weeks. Sometimes my muscles feel like they are seizing up and are slightly painful. My whole body feels as if it needs to be cracked, especially my wrists which does give me some relief but not for long. Naturally I decided to look up my symptoms online, big mistake and all and everything has led me to determine that I must have ALS! Now I am in full panic mode, off my rocker, sad, crying at times, moody, melancholy, uninterested in doing anything because I am so consumed with fear, sadness and worry! Even though I know that anxiety can produce some muscle "symptoms" I cannot pull myself out of this hole enough to be rational or even slightly level headed. Does anyone else have any sort of similar muscle symptoms???? Anything would help :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

24-02-09, 01:12

I have had all of these things, pains which skip around my body at will! It's scary, but nothing to worry about (which doesn't mean I don't worry about it!) The thing with anxiety is that it's NOT rational, so don't worry about that either.

I've only recently come accross this site, but reading that other people have exactly the same problems really has helped me feel more sane.

We will be OK, I feel in good company here :)

Look after yourself,


24-02-09, 04:13
Thank you Richard for the encouraging words, it's just hard to wrap my head around any of it at times. I too have only recently come across this site and I find that reading about different perspectives and experiences is quite helpful....but! There is always a BUT, especially now. Hopefully things will get better and my "ALS" will prove to be nothing but brain chemistry acting up.

Thanks again :)