View Full Version : I really hate this....

24-02-09, 06:14
Does anyone get this also - you start feeling like you are managing things and then suddenly you arm\hand starts aching (or something else) and you go downhill again. This is happening to me and I am already starting with the heart palps, pins and needles, headache etc. Even though I am trying to breath calmly I can't seem to stop the course of events. I still wonder if this is something else or just ol anxiety rearing its ugly head again. Also - has anyone wondered whether their aches and pains are something like Fibromyalgia?

24-02-09, 23:29
Hi there. If there's one thing I have learnt....never google a symptom...post it on here and wait for a reply or ask your doctor. Self diagnosis is part ofnour problem. I am defo pot kettle black here but it gives me
Strength to say this to a fellow sufferer. If u have had all the tests and r clear....focus 100% that's it's psycological and get that fixed....stay strong and fight it!!!!

25-02-09, 11:40
Thanks timmymagic46 - as you said, easier said than done. I always try to stay positive but it is like your body has other intentions, that then affects your mind and it becomes a vicious circle. I feel like a hypochondriac going to the GP all the time - but as you said, unless you rule it out 100% you will always wonder.
What a liability we live with .....:shrug:

25-02-09, 13:02
the trouble with us is that we are rational enough to know that what we are feeling is anxiety related but not rational enough to let it alone.what you have described sounds like anxiety but you know this. the thing is the more you think about it the more anxious you become.try and focus on something else which is easier said than done and keep telling yourself you will be ok.you can get through this be strong.good luck

25-02-09, 13:58
the trouble with us is that we are rational enough to know that what we are feeling is anxiety related but not rational enough to let it alone.what you have described sounds like anxiety but you know this. the thing is the more you think about it the more anxious you become.try and focus on something else which is easier said than done and keep telling yourself you will be ok.you can get through this be strong.good luck
I totally agree with this and will add - that as soon as you do begin too accept that THAT pain is anxiety related - You can bet your bottom dollar you will have a different pain to concentrate on.
Our minds have created a vicious circle that is VERY hard to break out of.
I seem to be at the docs every week with some ailment or another that turns out to be called :- "June it is just stress":blush:
Best wishes
:hugs: :hugs: