View Full Version : back to work and chest pain again

24-02-09, 09:31
hi everyone i have just managed to get back to work for the first time in a while but once again i have started with the same old aches and pains in my chest, tightness and heaviness around back and down left side of ribs. i am soooooooooooo sick of this, sitting at my desk and jsut don't know what to do with myself. i do not want to have to go off work again and just want to try adn battle through but it is hard. just need some friendly advice on how to cope. deep down i know it is just a mix of muscle pains and also i have eaten a load of sugary food which doesn't help but it is scary. some friendly words would be great. :)

24-02-09, 10:13
Hi Jackie

I came back to work after having a couple of weeks out because my nerves were in a mess. What you need to remember here is you have actually got to work which in it self is a great acheivment, so give your self a pat on the back, this is a massive POSITIVE step.

I know how you feel, my aniexty is still present, but I think am chpping away at it every day, because like you I'm able to get into work. Try and give your self some targets each day that you know you can overcome, before you know it, all the little issues that are worring you will slowly dissapear, thats what I'm trying to do.

Its a tough battle, the hardest one I have every been in, but it aint gonna win. We need to find that inner strenght I know we have so we can turn it around and be the people we wanna be.

your stringer than you think, so let the strenth flow through your body again.

Good luck


24-02-09, 11:23
I know its hard hun & easy to look at the worse possible thing imaginable & have then panic. You say you have it at work sat at your desk. Can I ask how is your posture? Could it be that? even though you might have good posture when we are sat at our desk we all tend to slump & not realise, it could be that. Bad posture doesn't just affect your back, it affects your chest & rib cage & shoulder & neck. Even your stomach. Try going some gentle stretching at your desk whilst sat down, it will hurt but it will help you.

Hope it eases off soon. xxxx

24-02-09, 23:18
Hi jackie....just wanted to say I hope your feeling better!!! I experienced the same, I was made redundant before Xmas and started work again last week and getting the tube was awful....and being at work and having palps....spacing out, cold sweats etc Is so hard to hide....but keep going don't let it beat u!!!!!
Stay strong!xxx

25-02-09, 07:48
thanks for all your replies it was really good to know that someone out there understands. i agree will all you have said, and will just try to take each day as it comes, baby steps, and each day i get through is a bonus. i went to a meditation group after work last night, went in feeling absolutly awful really really achy all over chest area and back and came out feeling tons better, may not work for everyone but worked for me last night, so that helped me think yeah its just muscular, and the anxiety of being back at work, so i will try to keep doing that at home and at group. well here goes for another day. keep well all and thanks again for all your support:hugs: