View Full Version : My vision disturbance hasn't improved

24-02-09, 11:27
For the past 2 weeks my eyes have felt dizzy and out of focus I had an eye test and they said my eyesight was perfect. The woman at the reception says it is stress related, but it feels uncomfortable trying to live life with it.

I really really want to know how long it will last because it is there 24/7.

I have had a blood test and they said it came back perfect also.

i hate panicking
24-02-09, 14:16
Oh dear still not getting any better?
I don't know what to suggest really apart from going back to the docs.:shrug:

24-02-09, 16:28
I had this when after a routine eye test the optician told me everything was ok but she mentioned that I had a lot of'floaters' in my eyes and said 'you probably dont even notice them' Well not until then---Thanks very much!!!! I spent the next 4 weeks barely able to see with blurred vision and headaches and was sooo stressed I thought this is NEVER going to go, but guess what ?? It did .

I am not saying that you should not get it checked out again but if it is stress it will go eventually - I promise