View Full Version : Left shoulder pain

24-02-09, 11:52

I have been experiencing pain in my shoulder (left) on and off for the last few weeks. It actully feels like it is under the bone, not muscular.

I went to my doctor who didn't seem too concerned - but of course I have myself dying of a heart problem.

Has anyone had anything similar? It is just like a pinching/sharp pain that can dull and intensify and sometimes not be there at all!


24-02-09, 12:00
My left shoulder/arm/wrist and hand have been hurting since last night. Have had a constant ache with tingling and numbness and was convinced I was having a heart attack or was going to have one cause it came on after a panic attack.

I hope your shoulder starts feeling better soon :hugs: x

24-02-09, 12:21
I have this Sam and mine is muscular...you can also get referred pain there from trapped wind, indigestion etc. Heart was the first thing I thought about too and that brought on so many panic attacks. Try tipping your head towards you right shoulder and see if you experience any discomfort down the left side of neck /shoulder. Hope it clears up soon...mine comes and goes.XXXXX

24-02-09, 12:31
Thank you both for your replies:

you can also get referred pain there from trapped wind, indigestion etc.

This is actually what I suspected it was for a while, because a second after I felt the pain come in my shoulder, I could feel a wind pain in my belly.

I am guessing being anxious about it won't be helping the indigestion etc now would it!


24-02-09, 12:51
I get this a lot too, always on my left side, right now my left arm and shoulder are hurting, its really horrible but I am sure its to do with my anxiety as I have suffered for over a year with it and not had a heart attack yet lol.

24-02-09, 14:38
this thread gives me hope after also experiencing this lately,i suffer with indigestion problems anyway,which worsens with anxiety which worsens with increased heartburn/chest pain,then pain down my arm.....an then " omg heart attack"

as for your shoulder pain,ever had trapped nerve in the shoulder,feels very strange.

25-02-09, 11:08
Thank you again for your replies.

I have had it quite a bit today on and off.

I have just found out I am pregnant too (which is a great thing!) but I am anxious about something going wrong with that too and about coming off my AD's.

I hate this HA - it is such a struggle somedays to get through a day without a bad or negative thought about our health. I wonder if it will ever happen again :weep:

25-02-09, 11:12
I have suffered from shoulder pain on and off for many years, mine is muscular and actually is the result of a neck injury. But I do find when I am anxious it gets worse, it is muscle tension. When I relax it does improve

28-12-13, 09:03
The pain is mainly due to anxiety. Ofcourse the food that we eat adds to it and you feel like it might be early symptoms of heart attack, its not. I realized the pain went away when I had a nice massage and was completly relaxed. I also cut down alcohol and sugary drinks, and it really helped. I also ate on time and avoided skipping meals, the gas that is created in the stomach creates uneasiness. Finally started walking and feel good already.

I believe:

You are what you eat

Make peace with your past so it won't screw up your present

Accept the current state and give it time - Time heals everything

Stop worrying about things, its ok to not know everything

No one is in charge of your happiness, except YOU!

Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world.

Life is beautiful, dont live someone else's life, create your own.:yesyes:

~ Sri ~
