View Full Version : Can't Sleep!!!!

24-02-09, 11:59
It’s becoming really distressing for me to keep coming on here, but I have found that it’s only you guys that can help me. Docs are no good, and as good and understanding as my husband has been he doesn’t really understand whats going on in my head, as it’s so hard to explain. My headaches and other symptoms have mostly cleared up now, but it’s what goes on in my head, especially when I go to bed, that’s driving me crazy. When I close my eyes and lie down, it’s like I have electricity running through my head the whole time, constantly buzzing and vibrating. I can’t keep still, I have to keep moving my leg or body to distract from whats going on in my head. There is no reason for this to be happening anymore, I’m not anxious or worried about anything. Is there anyone out there who goes through this and can reassure me that I am not going crazy. I also keep getting those horrible head rushes that make me wanna rush around and scream. Please, Please help anyone!!!! I mean what is all that stuff in the head all about anyway??????

24-02-09, 17:49
Does anyone else suffer from this, especially at night??

24-02-09, 19:56
Yes I get the terrible head rushes and weird electic show feeling up through body when I lay down at night. A few years ago i got it everysingle night for 8 months and ended up sleeping sitting up even though it didn't seem to help much. I would get it every couple of minutes as soon as I relaxed to go to sleep - after about 2 hrs I would fall asleep exhausted.

At the time it was put down to 2 possible causes - anxiety or the fact I have damage to my neck that affects my balance.

Since then touch wood I only get it occasionally and I always get it when I have felt dizzy or unbalanced during the day or have been extremely anxious about a health concern so I still can't tell if its one or the other or both causing it.

The only thing I can say is that its not at all harmful or from a sinister reason just very unpleasamt. do you have any neck tension at all??

24-02-09, 22:44
I was just going to ask this very question..

I'm not sure if it's what your experiencing but when I lie down at night I have the weirdest sensation in my body as though I'm almost being lifted from the bed, I have found I can't lay on my back because the sensation is at its strongest. It's almost like a force trying to lift me up...please tell me this is similar because last night it really frightened me! Its like a floaty feeling, its the only way I can describe it.

Is this similar??

25-02-09, 06:06
DOOMANDGLOOM that is so scary i have had exactly that before a few times. Have trouble sleeping but i have none of those symptoms but i always have to do something to help me sleep like play with my phone, i have a bit of a fear of sleeping and dont sleep untill im exhusted x x

25-02-09, 12:19
I don't really get the feeling in my body, everything seems to be concentrated on my head, like an electrical current that keeps misfiring. I do get the head rushes that start from deep within my stomach somewhere, and these really freak me out. It's just at the moment I seem to be having this weird head everynight and I can't cope. I wonder how many of us HA sufferers have this?

07-03-09, 21:28
I don't really get the feeling in my body, everything seems to be concentrated on my head, like an electrical current that keeps misfiring. I do get the head rushes that start from deep within my stomach somewhere, and these really freak me out. It's just at the moment I seem to be having this weird head everynight and I can't cope. I wonder how many of us HA sufferers have this?

Hi! I just read your post. I get the same symptoms and I hate it! Lately I've been having the same problems, everytime I try to sleep a really strange sensation in my head scares me to death. And it kind of paralize my body as well so I feel like getting up.

This post was from long time ago, so can you tell me if you're still having the same symptoms?