View Full Version : Melanoma?

24-02-09, 12:34
I've had this mole for as long as I can remember (on the back of my lower leg). I noticed it a few weeks ago (not sure why) and I don't think it's changed since then, but I'm still worried.

I took a pic. If anyone has seen a melanoma, does it look anything like this? Do I have any of the ABC's of melanoma etc?
(I measured mine and it's 2mm in diameter).


My hubby thinks I'm worrying over nothing, but I tend to worry about things like this...any insight...does it look bad?

24-02-09, 12:40

I would pop to the doctors if you are really concerned my mum had melanoma in the same place in October of last year, It looked nothing like this,

Her mole looked really nasty and was starting to change yours again looks nothing whatsover like my mums.

I am sure that this is nothing but again go the docs to reassure yourself, when my mum went the drs the dr took one look and referred her to the hospital the next day, so if your dr says it is ok it will be.

Hope this helps


PS my mum has had an operation and is fine now:bighug1:

Little Miss Anxious
24-02-09, 14:00
Hi, I hope you dont mind me butting in on all these threads, i'm new here and am finding lots of people who have all the same kind of worries as I have had in the past or have now so want to stick my nose in, lol.

I've been through the monitoring my moles obsession (I have loads) I went through a few weeks of measuring them daily, getting my hubby to inspect them etc. I mentioned it to the doctor when I went for something else & showed him a new one I had found which freaked me out. He said new ones can appear at any time & as long as they look 'normal' they are usually nothing to worry about, he told me that keeping an eye on them is a good thing - however its not necessarily required daily or even weekly !! Just every now & then to see if any have noticably grown or changed, got itchy etc.

I must have more than 20 small moles like the one on your pic so I wouldnt worry - f anything untoward happens to it then get it checked. Maybe for piece of mind next time you visit the docs show him so he can reassure you it looks normal. :)

24-02-09, 14:24
Thanks for the responses - my mole isn't new, it's been there forever, but for some reason it stood out to me a few weeks ago and ever since then I keep checking it and worrying over it. Would a melanoma look obvious, like suddenly get huge and look really nasty? I don't think mine has changed since I noted it a few weeks ago.

Little Miss Anxious
24-02-09, 14:39
I was told that when checking old or new moles to look for ones which seem to grow significantly or quickly, moles with Asymetrical shape & odd colour patches, itchy, weepy or moles that bleed.

He told me if someone has any of the above symptoms they should definitely get it checked.

From your picture I really dont think you have anything to worry about, like I say I have loads which look like yours.

I do think you might benefit from showing it to the nurse or doctor at your surgery though just to put your mind at rest.

24-02-09, 15:46
Thanks for your responses! I guess I'll keep an eye on it like I've been doing and if I'm still worried I'll drag my sorry ass to the Doctors LOL Thanks again xx