View Full Version : virus's, ear infections, tinnitus

24-02-09, 12:43
I went to the doctors yesterday after a load of ear infections to see if they'd cleared up because I still have the tinnitus. She said the infections had cleared but my eardrums were really dull which probaly means cattarh behind them which could be why its still ringing, one of my ears has been ty much pretcleared up for a month though, apart from the dull eardrum and the T still hasnt stopped and I cant stop having panic attacks that it'l never go. I keep catching cold virus's too, the doctor keeps saying eventually it should all go, but obviously cant say 100% sure, but she wants me to see the ENT in two weeks. Im terrified of them saying i'm going to be stuck with the tinnitus for good. If I hadnt of made the mistake of googling symptoms I probaly wouldnt even be worried about any of it now, but people keep telling me once you have T you have it for life and I just cant bare the thought. I dont no how long cattarh is suppose to take to clear, I just want to stop worrying :weep:

24-02-09, 17:45
Hi April,

Sorry you are feeling so badly. I would wait until you go to the ENT and see what the say. I do hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


02-03-09, 12:45
thanks :)

has anyone else had the same kind of problems?

03-03-09, 16:37
my eardrums have a really dull response as well when they blow into them with that tool thing .. and i have earaches on my left side. did they tell you what causes this with the eardrums?

03-03-09, 17:02
They havent tried the blowing thing with mine yet, did you have a pressure test?
They meant the light was shining back really dull off mine. They said it could be something to do with a build up of fluid or catarrh behind the eardrum if that helps :) are you having the same kind of problems too? :weep: