View Full Version : please please am desperate for advice

24-02-09, 12:59
I'm sorry if I'm posting this in wrong section, just feel really bad and desperate for some advice.
Have been taking citalopram since 2nd week of december, which was put up tp 30 mg a day, a week ago my doctor changed them to effexor 75mg a day which I was taking for 4 days. Throughout all this I've been on a waiting list for an egg donor to start IVF which thank God at the end of last week I got a phone call saying they'de found one and the treatment will start in March, but that I needed to come off the anti depressants straight away. I went to see my Doctor because I didn't think I could do that, but she said that was fine, I wouldn't suffer any side effects from stopping them and to stop taking them. I haven't had one since friday, Saturday was ok but since Sunday night I feel awful. I feel sick all the time, dizzy. have got weird sounds, Like a pressure in my ears whenever I sit up or stand. Can't stop crying, my heads aching and legs are shaking. I'm only doing what I was told to do, is this because of the taclets?? Please does anyone know how long this will last and is there anything I can do to help?? I wouldn't care so much if I felt any better but still feel so down, just desperate please help...

24-02-09, 16:36
Hello Pink

Congratulations on finding an egg donor, you may soon be a mum so lots to look forward to and be positive about... I not an expert on anti-deps, although i have been on them on and off for sev yrs but as i have always understood it you should not just stop taking them and should always come off them gradually just reducing the dose over a period of wks/months.. Maybe as you have only been on them since December your Gp thought it was ok to just stop as you have not been on them for a very long time, i was on effexor for two yrs and gradually came off them over a period of 3/4 months and did not notice any effects... If you still feel unwell then i would go back and see your doctor..

24-02-09, 16:40
Hello Pink,

I know next to nothing about IVF treatments so I won't advice on that score, but I know something about withdrawal symptoms and they are HORRIBLE. All of your symptoms are definately withdrawal. I'm surprised your dr said it was fine to go cold turkey without telling you of the symptoms, you're not meant to go cold turkey because of the symptoms, although I have done this once or twice. I suppose in your situation you had no choice - and in my experience, they do go away but take a while. But don't take my word for it. Please go back to your dr tomorrow, if only to get some reassurance that they wont last for ever - and they don't! I used to feel dizzy whenever I stood up and get weird 'head zaps' lasted about 2 weeks...but not the same intensity. It's up to you, love. You need to decide what is more important at this stage: putting up with the symptoms so you can go ahead with the IVF treatment which clearly is a long and traumatic process to go through, (hugs!) or deciding to postpone it until you've weaned yourself off the pills, but of course as you said, you don't know when the next egg donor will be available. Oh dear I'm not much help am I! But I'd say go to your dr and ask/demand reassurance.

The symptoms are short term though.

All the best and good luck! x

24-02-09, 16:59
That was really bad of him to just stop them and you will suffer side-effects as a result and these can last a few weeks I am afraid.

It will be worth it if you can start a family though.

24-02-09, 16:59
Hi Pink I am very pleased that the clinic have managed to find you an egg donor. It is only the beginning of your IVF journey and I know from personal experience what a rollercoaster ride that can be. My son aged eleven on Saturday was conceived through IVF first attempt. Your doctor is being irresponsible and should have helped you taper your meds. I had horrific withdrawals from mirtazapine last year. I was allowed some valium to help with the panic attacks. I was also allowed a maintenance dose of prothiaden throughout my treatment and eventual birth of my son so I didn't actually come off my meds. I wish you all the best with your forthcoming treatment and hope that you feel better soon.

27-02-09, 18:15
hi everyone
just wanted to thankyou so much for your help, advice and kind words, meant a lot this week
love pink xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx