View Full Version : diagnosis and accepting

24-02-09, 14:31
im going to visit my just registerd new g.p today as i suffer with indigestion and heartburn and recently had really bad 'episodes' but as these episodes get worse eg heart/chest pain i start to think that maybe something more is wrong eg heart attack,so then i start to panic and worry which starts a whole chain of different symptoms starting eg trembling,fear,drymouth,tight throat....which after searching this site and others i belive to be some kind of anxiety disorder.....which i have had minor episodes in the past and guess could say a couple major ones.

wondering what i should mention to my new doctor to start with the indigestion or the anxiety.

24-02-09, 15:04
When I see a new doctor, I like to start by explaining that I suffer some anxiety. That way, if they are sensitive they will take a bit more care with me.

24-02-09, 15:07
I usually do it the other way danj.

The reason being, I sometimes think that dr's are quite quick to dismiss a lot of stuff as anxiety or stress related without checking things properly.

I usually tell them my symptoms, see what they say and then talk about my anxiety.

24-02-09, 15:14
ive never been diagnosed with anxiety,ive kind of came to the conclusion myself just recently,before hand......there WAS something wrong but im accepting anxiety now........as for this thread i posted iv obviously just been blind to anxiety http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=44600

its true that indigeston get worse with anxiety yes?

24-02-09, 15:28
Paul, Indigestion definitely can get worse with anxiety, anxiety could even be the cause of it.

Cico, I respect your approach, on the other hand, I don't want the doctor to reel out a list of possible diseases I might have, then I will leave even more scared!

24-02-09, 15:35
Paul, Indigestion definitely can get worse with anxiety, anxiety could even be the cause of it.

Cico, I respect your approach, on the other hand, I don't want the doctor to reel out a list of possible diseases I might have, then I will leave even more scared!

that is possible but its only the rare occasion i find my self anxious before an indigestion or food related episode.....it is a condition that is in the family(the indigestion) well at least with my dad.

im in need to mention both conditions either way