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24-02-09, 15:36
I have symptoms of feeling:

out of place
not thinking things are real
Im not real
tiredness (can sleep over 12 hours and felt like i havent slept)
weakness in arms and legs
weird head

Im so worried, does anyone no what it could be?

24-02-09, 15:47
Hi there

I'm no doctor but it sounds very similar to DEPERSONALISATION to me.

I have copied this from the symptoms page, have a read and see what you think.................

Depersonalization, Derealization, Feeling of unreality

What you feel:

Now for the Brain – the limbic system in the brain instigates this whole response and is responsible too for our emotions and behaviour One of the body symptoms that people hate most is the one when you feel all foggy, surreal, woozy or spacey. You may either feel that you are not real or that the earth is not real and you’re a time warp away. These are often the hardest symptoms to understand and its very common to deduce that you must be going mad which makes you panic even more. This is completely untrue and you are very safe.

You feel like you are not a part of what is going on, or that you feel like you are in a dream state or ‘out of touch with things’. Also, things around you may seem like they are shimmering, foggy, hazy or too bright.
What causes this:

As we learned in Understanding, the body and mind are tightly integrated. What affects one affects the other. This symptom is another example of how an over stimulated nervous system can cause us to experience odd and impaired feelings, emotions and perceptions. Much like how a psychoactive or recreational drug can alter one’s mental state, an over active nervous system can affect certain body chemistries thereby producing mind altering effects. The feeling of unreality or disassociation is one type of altered mental state that high levels of stress biology can produce.

It is not completely understood what goes here but it is generally thought that the limbic system in the brain decides there is too much going on and goes into a self protection mode and shuts out excess stimuli. As the adrenaline levels decrease and you calm down it clears. This can be several hours days or weeks.

Hope this help hun and that you feel better soon


24-02-09, 16:21
thanks hun, would that link to why i am feeling weak/tired? and its been 8 days now i hope it clears soon

24-02-09, 16:25
yeah very possible if you are an anxiety sufferer or suffer from depression.

Are you on any meds?

24-02-09, 18:48
hello dear weakness/tiredness are linked to anxiety very much. when my health anxiety first began, my biggest complaint was feeling sleepy during the day time and being not even a little bit refreshed after a 10 hour sleep. Anxiety wears you out...weakness is another symptom i felt. one time i was standing and washing dishes and felt a wave of weakness and had to sit down.

please eat several small meals throughout the day. they will help. drink some apple juice that really cheers me up.

the head symptoms are derealization and depersonalization and you cannot get any symptoms more indicative of anxiety than these two. they're horrible and so annoying. distract yourself as much as possible. read a book and watch a really good movie. fold some sheets or go talk a walk. go to the beach and pick shells...just distract yourself.

24-02-09, 20:18
no im not on any meds, i have a docs appointment tomorrow i am goin to see what they say