View Full Version : hyperventilation - please read it might help you

24-02-09, 16:00
hi all
for the last six months i have been suffering from anxiety, panic every illness under the sun and have had every test done possible. (like many of you)

My possible diagnosis...HYPERVENTILATION!

It seems I shallow breathe without knowing it. a lot of people do it when they are panicking some all the time, and it can give you all the symptoms that we write about on here.

my pattern is hyperventilation (shallow breathing)...which causes dizziness/muzzy head...which causes panic/anxiety..which causes illness.

Im now being referred dor breathing lessons from physiotherapist but wanted to let you all know as it could be a major factor for most of us on here!

I was at my worst in Oct/Nov last year and never thought i would get better and although im not my old self i am certainly moving in the right direction.

Hope for us all if I can do it!!

Choco x:yesyes:

24-02-09, 17:09
Shallow breathing is the main problem for me and the root of it all without a doubt. I'm not much use with breathing exercises though.

I hope this works for you as I am sure if you are breathing more naturally then it will no longer be constantly on your mind and everything else will be easier.

All the best


24-02-09, 19:55
I am constantly trying to correct my breathing, but after four years i am giving up. I know i shallow breathe and it has effected my fitness, my weight as my ability to excercise is impossible. I have just been refered for anxiety and relaxation by my physchiatrist, but a chest physio sounds such a good idea. I find it hard to breathe correctly when i am standing or doing activity. I am so desperate to get my breathing right as it's really starting to effect me, especially as i am 5 months pregnant too. I am fearing the antenatal classes, i will need them. But my breathing is seriously out of sink. I may ask my doctor to refer me...sounds like a positive move to me.

Interesting posts ....thankyou

05-03-09, 20:32
Has anyone any tips to correct breathing?

I bought Dinah Bradley's book but found it to be hard to follow

05-03-09, 22:58
Does your chest ever feel tight when you start feeling nervous or paniky or is it just me?

06-03-09, 19:34
Hi all,
Just a light hearted observation especially aimed at the men folk who visit this forum and may be mildly obsessed with hiding their 'middle-aged-spread'.

If you feel things are going south in the body department and the six pack has turned into a party seven (only old british blokes will get that) you may be tempted to try and suck it all in, especially in the presence of a (young) lady.

If this becomes habitual, you are creating a poor breathing regime !

Grow old gracefully chaps and let it all hang out :D


29-08-09, 13:27
Has anyone any tips to correct breathing?

I bought Dinah Bradley's book but found it to be hard to follow
I have this book - i found it very useful to "compare" my symptoms:blush:
If i have a particular "fear" i would look it up in a book and am sometimes relieved that my symptom matches:yesyes:
I do the same with other books on panic.
BUT as you say it is very hard to follow - to do these types of breathing exercises on your own is very uncomfortable, they make me panic more.I am going to physio for my breathing (3 weeks) it is very odd. posture seems to be the key. krog's post (he says it is for men) shows that by holding ourselves 'tight and tense' we hunch our shoulders and of course we cannot breathe properly.
there are 10 exercises like cycling and step-ups on a list and we choose the order we do them BUT THE GOLDEN RULE IS NO MORE THAN 5 MINS AT A TIME for each one - this will get our fitness levels without tiring ourselves completely (we are over 50 in this class)