View Full Version : for the ladies

24-02-09, 16:32
Hi Girls, just wonderd if any of you feel worse around your period time? mines are due and i feel awful, i normally have a panic attack just before them to. feel really tired, my legs ache, back, arms, chest everywhere really. I'm like this for 4 or 5 days before they come. Every thing is a effort to do, i really have to push myself to do things! its bad. Im like this most of the time anyway but worse when i have a period. Its hard being a woman :D xxx

24-02-09, 17:15
I definitely feel worse around THAT time of the month ... and it always catches me unawares and it's only when IT arrives that I think 'Oh yeah ! That's why I was so bad !'. I've tried taking the Pill and not and it doesn't seem to affect it either way, still just as bad. Yup, we have our trials as Women, don't we ?! xx