View Full Version : Down in the dumps

24-02-09, 17:20
I dont know about you but I have had panic attacks for 27 years and although I cope and am a very bubbly happy person, since being made redundant in the summer and not having success in finding a new job - I feel so worthless. I know Im not and that Im valued but I just feel like a piece of poo at the moment - I go out every day - shoppin,dogwalking, cooking etc etc but am so ashamed that I dont have a job and poor hubby is working his socks off - I used to have such get up and go and despite the fact that I do go out and have started to go to the theatre again despite my panic attacks - I just feel very low self esteem.

Im sure Im not alone in this - times are hard for everyone at the moment and we must count our blessings - but I just wanted to sound off to somebody.

Wenjoy x