View Full Version : :( please help me

24-02-09, 18:11
Im really really really really panicing now about having a brain tumor..my vision seems blurrier for things far away, yet i was told i have "perfect vision" a few months back, and i feel like i have whats almost cramping pains in the back of my head..im so scared:S

24-02-09, 18:14
They are not typical symptoms of a brain tumour!

You are probably tired and hunching your shoulders up and causing stress.

You could also have sinus problems.

i hate panicking
24-02-09, 18:21
Hi Alexy,

Just thought I would reply to your post as I had this a couple of months back,on one occasion my partner rang an ambulance because the pain was so bad as I was screaming in pain..anyway after that I went to my gp and he assured me it was just stress related(which i wasn't convinced at the time) he also gave me some tablets for the pain.
Anyway he refered me to a neurologist and everything was fine,and now I don't get them anymore :shrug:


24-02-09, 18:26
Im booked in at the doctors on monday, im so scared:S Its not like the pain is unbearable, its like, just there and i notice it more at nighttime. Its not even like a proper headache, just like cramping, like its in my brain:( its scarey:(

i hate panicking
24-02-09, 18:54
Mine was worse at night resulting in not getting alot of sleep.Honestly I really don't think it's anything to do with your brain.:)

26-02-09, 11:36
No one wants to have a brain tumour, there are nearly 100 types and many of them are not fatal and can be treated so for goodness sake calm down. You do not have a tumour.

26-02-09, 14:36
Try this post as well....


26-02-09, 17:11
It's probably just a migraine which I get from either:

- having a bad posture so blood is constricted a little bit to my head


- not getting enough sleep.

Try not to worry about it. As for the blurry vision that can be from dizziness caused by stress, or maybe you just need glasses, as you can become short-sighted at any point in your life!

Hope you feel better soon x