View Full Version : Dizziness/Spaciness

24-02-09, 18:22

I've read about these symptoms on the site here and seen some threads about momentary or episodic dizziness, but are there users here who suffer from longer-term dizziness which is constant and lasts for weeks on end?

My dizziness is also accompanied by feelings of pressure, disorientation and sometimes a sensation of fullness/twitching in the ears and head.

Any help / comments / stories very greatly appreciated.

24-02-09, 18:39
I had dizziness constantly for over 2 years.

Correct breathing will help it.

24-02-09, 18:51
Thank you Nicola. I often wonder if neck strain is also implicated.

24-02-09, 19:51
I have told many people this so sorry for repeating myself again! You are right is thinking neck strain can affect balance. I havea spinal problem in my neck and have had almost constant off balance feeling for over 15 yrs and I get sudden bad vertigo that can last from a split second up to 10 mins. I was told my my neurosurgeon that your neck muscles and vertebrae have balance receptors in them that send messages to either inner ear or part of brain controlling balance ( can't remember which) so if for any reason your neck muscles are tense or there is damage to the bones in neck from arthritis etc then you get balance problems as in vertigo dizziness. So for someone like me it is caused by damage to neck but severe tension in neck muscles due to anxiety can also produce same results. Neurosurgeon said every one of his neck patients had life altering problems with balance trouble.

So my double whammy of damaged neck and bad anxiety is not good:roflmao:

24-02-09, 21:54
I constantly feel disorientated/dizzy and suffer from the same full feeling of pressure in my head, nose, ears, etc. Does it seem to you that you're feeling spaced out - that's what it feels like to me a lot of the time, colours stand out when i'm walking etc.

05-03-09, 20:39
I would say that many of us suffer from hyperventilation syndrome also.

05-03-09, 20:53
HAve you tried magnesium? This might be a simple lack of magnesium - I had it.

05-03-09, 20:55
I know when my neck is tight and headachey and neck pain I feel dizzy and have to hold the corner of a desk or counter in a shop or lean against a wall - I panic about it which makes it worse! Wenjoy x

05-03-09, 21:03
HAve you tried magnesium? This might be a simple lack of magnesium - I had it.

I hadn't thought about this. I take a vitamin and mineral supplement though.

I'm conscious that I do hyperventilate and suffer from globus -: I'm not sure if they're related, but they do make life pretty miserable.

05-03-09, 21:04
I have always had the symptoms you describe, since I was first diagnosed, over 10 years ago.

Unfortunately, they are very common with most anxiety disorders.

However, they are not dangerous physically.

If the dizziness is very extreme, you should obviously see your doctor and rule out any other causes (which can be as trivial as an ear infection, so dont get all paranoid about something serious)

But chances are, that the dizziness is caused by anxiety. Is it better when you are relaxed? Try some deep relaxation techniques and then check if you feel dizzy. This will help you realise that the symptom is just caused by your heightened senses due to the anxiety.