View Full Version : Chest Pains

21-07-05, 11:44
Hi all,

As you may know, moving on monday and had a realyl bad panic attack on tues and feel short breathed ever since.

Today i also have chest pains, not necessarily aound my heart, more under under my breast bone.

I know deep down it is prob just stress but would really like some reasurance as it hurts when i breath.

Does this mean i will have another PS?

Im sorry if i sound naive, but it was my first PA the other day and it really has but fear into me.


Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 11:51
i get chest pains all the time its down to anxeity as well as the panic attack.

at first when i took them i thought i was having a heart attack but comming in here told me its all anxiety.

try and forget about them they cant hurt you and do some gentle excerise with ur arms that should helpto ease them.

21-07-05, 11:52
Hi Tatty B!
Please try not worry, when I was really bad, I had horrific chest pains. So bad that I ended up in A&E I thought it was my heart. I was on really strong painkillers for months.
I didn't believe that panic amd anxiety could make you so physically ill, I was convinced I was seriously ill.

Looking back now that I'm a bit better, I can see it was the anxiety. It tenses all your muscles up, making them ache like crazy.

Mine used to last for up to 2 weeks after a panic attack. So I know how you're feeling. Massage really, really helps. Nice hot, radox bath to relieve your muscles.

The key is to get your muscles relaxed, which is harder said then done! You'll be fine I'm sure.


21-07-05, 11:52
Thanks Taylor,

They are scary but i dont normally have them, so I am assuming it is stress.


Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 11:56
Thanks Shell,

the advise is really appreciated :D

Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 11:56
it is i get them as well when my kids stress me out its usually my first syptom i get.

good luck with the moving and all the best, i have work now :(

21-07-05, 11:59
Thanks Taylor,

Hope work goes ok :)

Tatty B xx

21-07-05, 23:55
Dull ache (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3044)
chest pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3487)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-07-05, 09:31
Thanks Meg xx

Tatty B xx