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24-02-09, 20:23
Hi, Ive looked on this website before but never posted. I used to suffer from panic attacks, but went off the tablets last year. I had been feeling generally better (occasional feelings of discomfort but nothing too horrible).
I live in London with my boyfriend and work in marketing and am in my early 30s.

Anyway, worked 14 hour day yesterday, really stressful one too as was constantly having to present, and run around london to three locations, and was running focus groups till 10.30 last night. Also got back from long haul flight last week from aus, straight to work; and had to have emergency root canal filling on tooth. Today I was very tired and cranky, but worked till 5.30 and got home. Made myself go for run/ walk and part of the way through felt like my legs didnt work any more. Was the most awful thing, I was whimpering with terror and didnt think I would make it home; had no control and felt like they didnt work. All blackout feeling and unreal. Somehow made it home, and feeling completely awful on sofa. Panicky. I mean it could be something physical (neurological etc), but the sensible part of me is saying it must have been a panic attack in reaction to overdoing it.


24-02-09, 20:56
Hallo. We just posted almost exactly at the same time so I thought I should say hi. Your job sounds a little like mine with the travel and presentations, although I don't go as far afield as Australia and I am not in marketing!
Sorry to hear you have felt so bad today. Given all the things you have been doing the last 2 weeks, it does sound very much like a stress reaction rather than anything medical.
I've had quite bad panic attacks in the past, but like you, now only occasionally feel anxious. However, one thing I have found that affects me hugely is alcohol. I don't know whether you drink or not, but if I have one unit over what is my tolerance level, I can pretty much guarantee some kind of anxiety the next day. If you had some drinks yesterday, on top of the tiredness, flying and the long hours it could have just been the trigger.
Anyway, I hope you feel better. Try to rest and not dwell on it. I usually watch a comedy program to take my mind off matters if I have had a bad day.

24-02-09, 21:03
Thanks Izzy. I had quite a lot to drink saturday night which probably hasnt helped matters. I guess its just a matter of minimising stress as much as possible - but its not always possible, and this horrible recession makes you just grateful to have a job, and you cant think 'I can always leave' like we could last year! How do you deal with really stressful days - I would normally go to the gym or out to meet friends, but suspect thats compounding the stress, not alleviating it!

24-02-09, 21:04
hey everone im Cat just joined up to this site. i have OCD, not been to docs but i know ive had it for about two years. so yeah hope everyone is ok and feel free to chat to me at any time :) wanna speak to new people
take care all

24-02-09, 21:18
When I have a busy time at work I write lists, but instead of filling them with things I am not likely to do, I make sure I put some stuff down that I know I will get done because it is satisfying marking them off. I also plan the day or week (especially if I'm away from home) in sections and try to feel a sense of achievement when I have got a quarter way through and then a half way through etc. After the half way point I feel a lot more relaxed!
Unwinding is not always easy and I am like a spring at home sometimes. My boyfriend is a master of doing nothing, and I wish I could be more like that. I try to do cross-words especially if my mind is buzzing with work as it exercises the brain but takes the mind away for a while. Reading sometimes works, especially magazines. Exercise is usually good if you're stressed, but not if you are physically or mentally exhausted. Sleep is the best cure.
I haven't been on this site for a long while as I am a lot better at handling anxiety and panic attacks nowadays, but am petrified about an impending trip to the dentists which is why I am back. I guess we will all have our setbacks but the good thing is knowing you aren't alone. :)

24-02-09, 23:40
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


25-02-09, 09:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

26-02-09, 13:34
Hi Feefield, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers: