View Full Version : Hallo again

24-02-09, 20:29
I have used this site a while ago and found the advice and support so helpful. I used to have panic attacks, and although I still have the odd one now and again I can deal with it. Now I fly regularly and give presentations for work which a couple of years ago would have been impossible.
However, I still have a completely irrational fear of doctors and dentists. I think this stems from being registered as a child with an orthodontist who turned out to be unqualified. I had a painful brace for 3 years that was a total waste of time and didn't improve my teeth at all.
With regard to the doctor, I used to go regularly for my contraception and smear tests, but because I am always nervous my blood pressure goes sky high and that causes me more worry.

I am very very scared as I have been having a throbbing pain in my right upper jaw. It is a very intense tooth ache that stabs for a few seconds and then subsides. This may happen 3 or 4 times and then it just goes away. I had this a couple of weeks ago and the pain was less each time. I was thinking about a dental appointment but it had totally gone so I never made one. Now about 10 days later the same thing has happened again. I know I shouldn't leave it this time in case it is an exposed nerve or an abscess and will just get worse.

I have read the really helpful article and done a search for dental phobias here on the forum and I am feeling reassured a little but not much! I would really appreciate it if any of you with similar fears could post some helpful tips about getting myself down to that dental surgery please! :scared10:

24-02-09, 21:11
Hi Izzy, I know some dental surgeries specialise in people who are scared of going to the dentist, it might be worth investigating that further. My friend went to one, they call it nervous patients. They can sedate you if something needs to be done. You are right though, probably worth getting to the dentist soon. Sometimes though sore jaws can be caused by anxiety and stress, from clenching your teeth. If it is abcess or nerve you will find it really hurts when drinking cold water. Worth checking out though!

24-02-09, 21:30
It's funny you should say that because just before the toothache I had backache! I am not normally physically unwell and the back pain was just a pulled muscle but it really hurt for 3 days and I clenched my teeth loads during that time. Also, I have noticed a pattern with the toothache and it mostly happens just after dinner when my boyfriend's children are staying over. They're pretty young and dinner time is often stressful! Cold water actually helps numb the pain, so I am hoping maybe you are right. I will still get it checked out as I'm away again Saturday for 9 days so I don't fancy getting caught short in the middle of a flight or a talk! I guess overcoming the dentist fear is a lesser worry than racing to the ladies to down Neurofen and pray for relief in the middle of work! Thank u.

24-02-09, 21:35
Its worth getting checked out as the dentist can help alleviate that - alternatively Ive been to the chiropractor who did this weird adjustment of my jaw - everything in the nervous system is so interconnected, its often hard to tell whats wrong. If the kids are giving you toothache, it sounds like a muscular thing though! Good luck!

25-02-09, 09:29
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

27-02-09, 00:17
Hi IzzyB, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

27-02-09, 14:27
hi there and a big :welcome: to the site xx

28-02-09, 12:21
Hi IzzyB,

:welcome: back to NMP you will find this site a great source of advice and support and make some good friends along your journey to recovery.


01-03-09, 19:22
Hi & welcome back to NMP

Hope you get as much support, information and help I have since I joined. Hope to see you in chat sometime.

take care xxx