View Full Version : Neck Pain / Meningitis

24-02-09, 20:46

I am desperate for some advice please :weep:

I had to have a very bad tooth extraction 2 weeks ago and the past couple of days I have developed Flu symptoms with neck pain, it matches the symptoms I have searched to be meningitis

I dont know if this is the case and I will soon die or if it is panic,

I am scared, what do you think

Thank you

24-02-09, 21:17
oh thats horrible. Im not an expert, but the jawbone is connected to the neck, so having your mouth open and an extraction will put pressure on it and give you muscle strain. I am sure you can do some sort of a glass test for meningitis, otherwise going to the chiropractor I find is a must after the dentist

24-02-09, 22:32
It would be almost impossible for you to sit at a computer if you had meningitis- well the bacterial kind anyway. Having a difficult tooth out will have put terrible strain on your neck - also you may have developed an infection at the site which could account for your high temp - it is really high on a thermometer or do you just feel as if it should be???

Maybe go back to dentist to check the extraction site.

24-02-09, 22:47
Thank you for replying to me

It is 3 weeks since I had the tooth out, I am back tomorrow as a bone is poking though my gum

I started with a cold yest and now have very bad neck ache and am hot, no headache but have looked up the symptoms and am sure I have a bateria meningitis that has started from the tooth problem

I have been sick, im am so scared I cant sleep, I wish I had never looked at the symptoms,

I pray this is my anxiety but cant explain the neck ache and bad cold :weep:

24-02-09, 23:45
People who have meningitis get extremly ill. We have had an outbreak in our news area and trust me if you had it you would be in the hospital sicker then you have ever been in your entire life. On the TV when they talk about getting vaxed for it they say it starts out like the flu but then within 24 yours the person can die. It is very fast and the reason it is so fatal is that a person does not realize they are so sick until it is almost too late.

24-02-09, 23:52
Thank you :flowers:

I have googled it to death (and myself with it) and got wound up into this dreadful state

I am checking for the rashes, pointing light in my eyes and I know it is stupid but every time by neck hurts I get convinced all over again,

I am exhausted but know I wont sleep again, I darent take a pain killer as then I google side effects to what ever I have taken and now also have shortness of breath that makes me think me throat is closing in

Why I get like this I dont know but am sick of it,

Your replies are appreciated, I am so desperate for re-assurance :unsure:

25-02-09, 00:36
Well .When my wife had meningitis she was in agony.Its apparently a headache multiplied by ten ! So you would be in to much pain to be on pc.

25-02-09, 01:03
Thank you all for saying the right things to me

I feel awful on the people who have had this or have it but it feels so real

25-02-09, 02:13
I have to say thank you for the forum just been here for me tonight, I have no one to turn to and just been able to post has helped me

I have been negative and thought I would be addicted here due to my previous problems but I have felt safe, thank you

25-02-09, 02:38
I think most anxiety and panic attack sufferers will have been in the same place at some point i know i have. but as someone said you would be very ill if you had this. googling symptons will allways pick up something drastic so i would try to refrain from doing this.

also anxiety causes so many symptoms thats it can make you think you have allsorts of things, the brain is also very good at making things appear to feel quite different to how they actualy feel. these are just sensations, your sickness ect is probably due to gettting worked up.

i know it is very hard for anyone to tell you different when you get this way but try to relax. i find a splash of cold water to the face and laying somewhere comfortable is a start. then i would recommend maybe putting something on the tv you like maybe something funny to try and take your mind off it.

hope this helps even if only in the short term.