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24-02-09, 21:17
Hi ,first time on anything like this.
i am 34 and two months ago experienced something very strange,i was having a hard time at work and at home and my body just all over started to shake uncrontrollably,even the insides of my cheeks ,couldnt stop it fast heart beat and thoughts of doom i think you would call it negativity,the shakes bothered me the most thinking everyone could see me dithering,
i went to the dr and she said it was my nerves the dr put me on antenlol
and been on them ever since,
now recently there only working if i take a tab in a morning say 9am by 3pm im dithering again has anyone else had this problem,
thanks in advance
Mel xx

24-02-09, 21:24
Hallo Mel, from another (almost) new person. I am sorry I can't give any advice or share experience of your problem, but the best thing to do if the medication has lost its effect is to call up the doctor. They may need to adjust the dose or change the drug. Has your doctor discussed any stress management/anxiety coping mechanisms with you in addition to supplying the drugs? There may be other things you can do that will help.
Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon. Izzy

24-02-09, 21:45
ahh thank you !! i think i need to see the dr again your right perhaps the dose needs tweaking,
you dont think tho if i need perhaps a stronger dose im getting worse or does the body just get ammune??
No other help has been offered,.
Thank you for your responce,:D

24-02-09, 21:55
I don't know, different drugs affect people in different ways. What is good for one person might be less effective for another. I don't necessarily think the fact that the medication is less efficient means you're getting worse. With some people, the very routine of taking the drugs has a strong positive effect; once this becomes habit and you think less about it, the positive feelings about the treatment aren't quite as strong. There are lots of really good posts and articles about other therapies that may help too. Have a look around, and you will all kinds of information from natural remedies to CBT many of these therapies can be used safely alongside conventional medicine. If your dr isn't that forthcoming in offering support maybe see if there is another practitioner within your clinic who perhaps has more of an interest in pyschological health issues.

24-02-09, 22:02
thank you ,you have been very helpfull,i hadnt seen it in that way,

24-02-09, 23:38
Hi Mel and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


25-02-09, 09:29
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

26-02-09, 13:36
Hi Mel, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

26-02-09, 21:40
thank you to your replys i feels very friendly in here,
thank you.
mel xx