View Full Version : What are WE putting our bodies through?

24-02-09, 22:12
Recently I've been blaming myself a lot for what I've put my mind and body through - rigorous checking for lumps and bumps, almost constant thoughts of death. I feel like there's another part of me that is doing this to my mind and body, does anyone else feel like this?

24-02-09, 22:29
i think everyone with health anxiety feels like this - I certainly do. The worst part is that I am too frightened to stop worrying in case that is the time I should worry:unsure: and again I think this thought is common amongst health anxiety sufferers- our brain putting us in a no win situation.

I remember so well when I was 19 yrs old worrying terribly about having bowel cancer, I am now 47 yrs old and was still worrying - I had a colonoscoy in the summer and that finally calmed my fears for how long i do not know but isnt it so sad that I have wasted nearly 30 yrs worrying about something I didn't have.

24-02-09, 22:31
Yes!! feel like this all the time, your not alone. Every day is like a death sentence!! I always find something new on my body to check out, whatever it is, and always ask 'is that normal, should that bump, lump, be there, why does my skin look a funny colour, where did that bruise come from, why does that vein look funny, did i have that mole yesterday....the list goes on!

I'm with you all the way on this one

Hugs xxxxxx

24-02-09, 23:51
I know what you mean. I used to be really bad when I lived with my IL's and I had strange symptoms yet no way to see a doctor. Turns out all of my symptoms were stress or asthma related. Still when something is not right and not a simple coldI get really freaked out and scared I will die. Funny thing is when I was in the hospital with a life threatening infection I did not worry at all. My husband ,kids, mother, etc were terrified I was going to die but I could not wait to just get home and in my own bed. It was not until I got home and saw a show about a man that was shot in the hip and died from the infection since it hit his colon did I understand how bad my infection was. I got an infection in my colon and it ruptured then the hospital missed the rupture so I laid in the hospital all night while the infection spread.

25-02-09, 18:06
Had something similar, ended up for two weeks in hospital with Peritonitis and an awful, awful operation.
I believe this has a HUGE amount to do with my health fears. I can't believe I got away with it...not long after I choked on a huge bone in Mozambique 300km away from the nearest hospital!

This all happened just over a year ago, shortly after a s**tty armed robbery in South Africa.
No wonder I feel like this!

Take care of yourself...you are not alone. This site is fantastic.
Peggy XX

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