View Full Version : HI! I'm New!

25-02-09, 03:31

I dont exactly know how to start this but here goes...

I have serious anxiety. I HATE going out because I convince myself that everyone is looking at me and judging me negitively. I automatically assume that no one is going to like me. I feel hideous - i look hideous and feel so out of place. I constantly worry about what I've done and what others think of me. I lose sleep analysing every part of my day and every interaction i have with other people.

When im out in a crowd i shut down. I can’t look at anyone in the eye. I get really nervous and embarrassed. I'm basically a social retard. Im sick of it but i can’t seem to change.

the worst bit is that the friends i do have i push away because im paranoid that they are only being nice to me because they feel sorry for me even though deep down (very very deep) they are actually nice people and they do actually like me...i think/hope.

Just wondering if anyone feels simular? Help me!

p.s. sorry if i ruined anything.

25-02-09, 04:00
Hey.Welcome.You will find plenty of people on here with similiar feelings.I cant see what you could possibly have ruined.You look far from hideous by the way.

i hate panicking
25-02-09, 05:31
Hi Shoppinspree,

I don't suffer from this but I just wanted to say that Mick is right,I looked at your profile pic and you are far from hideous and I'm sure everyone thinks the same:).

P.s You have NOT ruined anything :bighug1:

13-03-09, 16:43
Hey there. Sorry to hear you're feeling this way, have you visited the docs or got any advice?

I understand a lot of what you've said, you're not alone, plenty of us on here feel exactly the same way! Just remember there are ways to improve this and try to keep your chin up. Reading through many on the posts on the forum will help you realise how common it is to feel this way.

14-03-09, 02:37

thanks everyone for the support.

meeno: yeah im seeing a psychiatrist - im hoping soon ill see improvements. it just got to be too much to handle by myself. i feel bad burdening other people but at least within time i wont be a burden anymore.

as they say time heals all wounds. lol.

14-03-09, 15:57
Haha, I wish I had a time machine! :P

You're not a burden, it's their job to listen and they even get money for it lol. Without people like us they'd be out of work!

Hope you feel better soon

21-03-09, 04:25
Thanks! yeah i guess i do partially fund the industry...my craziness is doings its bit for the economy! haha!

21-03-09, 09:20
welcome shoppinspree (love the username,its probably the last thing you wnt to do right now-but your target in a year will be to be relaxed and go on a massive shoppinspree!

i know how you feel when out in shops-its all part of this thing that is social anxiety-every thought n feeling you have mentioned i have had and i expect most SA peeps have. with practice it will ease and you will gain confidence,with more practice and cbt you could do anything you want.

good luck and hey no apologising -thats rule no 1 you have every right to say your piece like we all have-if the admin dont like it they delete it:winks:
