View Full Version : my list of symptoms

25-02-09, 10:28
hi everyone i am new to this forum but have suffered with anxiety for years. i have constant thoughts i am really ill - heart,brain.lungs etc i have been to the doctors had an ecg which was fine. i was ok for a while and then three weeks ago i woke up with shoulder pain which has now manifested into the following

chest pain and aches.
back ache (worse when bending over)
lightheadedness (on one side) wierd feeling like im going to pass out or something,
neck ache - seem to be on the bone at the bottom of the neck
pains in my arm
jolting awake - just as i am about to doze off i jolt awake and it scares me this could happen between 1 to 10 times (not every night)
hardly sleeping - lucky if i get 3 hours
irritable- i feel myself gettin more and more irriatable and short tempered with my wife (i just snap at her and i dont mean too i apologise a few seconds later
easily started - (even someone kicking a can outside makes me jump)
constant worrying - my dad had a heart attack at 29 - i dont smoke,drink or do drugs. i am trying to eat a bit more healthily now

jaw ache - i have jaw awake worse when i wake up when i yawn its a really loud clicking sound

ache in back when i wake up

please if anyone has any advise or has been through this . i would be most grateful for your help -i am quite stressed out


25-02-09, 10:58
Hey there, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling great. Anxiety can manifest itself in all kinds of bodily symptoms, which make you believe you have something wrong with you. I too can write a list like this on all the things that are going on with me right now. It is horrible and scary, and I know how hard it is to believe that its just anxiety doing this.

Have you spoken to your doctor about your concern's, they might be able to help reassure you.

Hope you feel better soon

Hollytree (dazed and confused)

25-02-09, 20:40
Hi ! I can relate to a lot of your symptoms and they were all down to anxiety.I would go to the doc and explain what this is doing to your life.He might be able to give you something to help&/or suggest you have a course of CBT .Hope you feel better soon .luv sue

26-02-09, 13:39
Have you asked your doctor to check you for sleep apnoea?

26-02-09, 15:24
I have alot of those symptoms too, it is not easy to deal with.

Sorry that i have no advice to give, i have no idea either what to do about it.

26-02-09, 15:37
Hi There..yep.i can check most on the list too mate..i ache as tho i have been poisened..so then i think i have been ..i took my first statin last night and was terrified and still am.convinced that i am having side effects and will keel over..my joints feel stiff today too and i feel sick oh blah blah..so you see ..you are not alone ..we can at least support each other on here:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxx

27-02-09, 10:22
thanks guys for all the advice and help its good to know im not alone in this.it is really getting me down. i have spoken to the doctor but he didnt want to give medication. he referred me to a link worker, in the past i have been on fluxetine and diazapam.,its the no sleeping and jolting awake and stiffness i get thats getting me down. my bones click when i move them . i wake up with aching hands. back,chest and jaw (which clicks when i yawn in the morning) anybody else had this

27-02-09, 11:16

After years of anxiety with no sleeping problems I have started to develop sleep issues over the past 3 months. When I am really anxious I will have major problems getting to sleep and experience jolting awake as you described many times. I often find that when I wake with a jolt my heart is racing. The aching is probably due to your sleeping tensed up.
