View Full Version : chest pain

25-02-09, 13:52
pleae help i have been having pains in my chest and arm for a few years now and all heart tests proved negative but does anyone on the site feel really true severe pain in chest and a arm on the left side

this is ruining my life as i cant seem to believe it will not kill me

i am new on here and the reassurance i get from other posts is so so helpful but the pain is so so bad especially for the last week that i am loosing my battle to stay calm

did have an ecg last week but what if they have missed something

please can anyone help


25-02-09, 15:02
had chest pains as for years still get them doctors said nothing wrong with my heart had all the test i know its hard to reasure youself can somtimes be a trapped nerve that can give the same symptoms so maybe get that checked hope this has helped good luck cal

25-02-09, 15:12
I have had bad pain in chest on and off for years. Had all the tests ECG's etc and told it was caused by costochondrits. Very painful and goes into shoulder sometimes. Also trapped wind can cause excruciating pain in the chest. You have had ECG and I'm sure that will put you mind at rest. There are many posts on here dealing with chest pain which seems to be a common symptom in anxiety.. Hope you get relief soon. XXXX

25-02-09, 15:16
Hiya, have you thought about seeing your doc to see if the pains you could be having atre muscular? this could well be it if all your tests are negitive. Plus if these pains are runining your life then you need to do something about them. Yes, chest pains are very common with anxiety suffereres & its not that the pain is in your head, the pain is real, its just your head is telling you something that its not & thats what makes them worse. Try some gentle stretching & excerising to see if that helps it. xx

25-02-09, 16:51
thanks to all of you

doctor just checked my heart there and said it sounds perfect even though the pain is so so bad, had ecg last week but not today

if it is wind would it go into arm

feeling nauseus with it, it even seems to be nerve-like in my left leg. the pain is so so excruciating at the minute.

does this ound more wind or muscular

so so desperate but dont want another trip to hospital its just the pain so bad


25-02-09, 20:30
Sounds like a touch of bornholms desesies, it will clear up in a couple of weeks try pain killers and a nice soak in the bath.

25-02-09, 22:21
i just dont know what that is?

what is bornholms desesis, sorry for my stupidity but could you explain thanks


26-02-09, 13:57
i just dont know what that is?

what is bornholms desesis, sorry for my stupidity but could you explain thanks


Its a virus in the chest.

26-02-09, 14:05
I also get pain i have now for a few weeks its in my chest, back in my arm wrist and side of palm.