View Full Version : Pain in my neck

Gemma T
25-02-09, 14:25
Hey everyone.

Hope everyone coping ok today. I just want to pick some brains. Ive had a bit of congestion lately so a sore throat, bit of a cough, shooting pains going up to my ears. My doc prescibed something which has helped.

Prob is today i had a shooting pain on the left side of my throat. It absolutely killed and lasted about a minute. theres a dull pain there at the mo and my throat feels tender. Im not sure if its anxiety or just a cough coming. Can anyone help?

Thankyou for your time

Love Gemma x x x x :hugs:

25-02-09, 14:37
Hi Gemma

I have had that, but it's usually when i have had an ear infection or even a cold sore believe it or not.
On talking to the doc he says we have drains running down the side of the neck into the throat and this can give us pain when we suffer any of the symptoms which comes with having coughs colds and infections.
So I don't think you have anything to worry about apart feom getting yourself well again, and hopefully that will be soon.:)

25-02-09, 14:52
I have bad neck pain and on the sides of neck cause of all tension in my shoulder and neck. Maybe it is that?
Put something warm on it and see if it gets better!!

/ Daniel

Gemma T
25-02-09, 20:08
Thanks for your replies. Thats really helpful. I thought it prob had something to do with colds or tension. Take care x x x x x