View Full Version : What this electric feeling? Scared

25-02-09, 14:40
Hello everyone.

Last night i was in bed, i was virtually nodding off when i was suddenly awoken with this awful loud sound in my head. It made my whole head feel fuzzy and sounded a bit like Electricity or lightening. I cant say weather i felt dizzy cos i was lying down in bed. It sent me into a minor PA but as i calmed down i began to drift off again..Again i get the same feeling, although the second time wasn't as intense. I am not taking any meds, havent done for about 3 years...any ideas what this could be as i am thinking the worst as usual.

Kerry x

25-02-09, 14:54
Hi Kerry,

I know that feeling - I get it sometimes too, and it always seems to happen just as I'm drifting off to sleep. I think it's your body trying to relax but the anxiety won't let it. I'd like to hear from other people too if it happens to them and what it could be. Good luck.

25-02-09, 14:57
Can't say exactly what causes it...some nerve stimuli in the brain perhaps...can't pretend to know, but I have this off and on for years. Usually happens if I have had a few bad nights not sleeping well etc. Just startles me awake as I feel I am drifting to sleep. Mine can be big 'bang' sound or like someone cracking a whip. Haven't had it for a while so can't be more specific as I have got used to it now and then and don't panic (at that anyway...plenty other triggers!!) hope this helps a bit. XXXX

26-02-09, 00:01
Hello everyone.

Last night i was in bed, i was virtually nodding off when i was suddenly awoken with this awful loud sound in my head. It made my whole head feel fuzzy and sounded a bit like Electricity or lightening. I cant say weather i felt dizzy cos i was lying down in bed. It sent me into a minor PA but as i calmed down i began to drift off again..Again i get the same feeling, although the second time wasn't as intense. I am not taking any meds, havent done for about 3 years...any ideas what this could be as i am thinking the worst as usual.

Kerry x

Been reading this forum for a few days now, having seen this post it give me the nudge to register and reply.

I can 100% relate to the experience you have had Kerry, i mentioned it to my GP months ago but he was submissive of it's relevance, told me it was probably retinal activity but not to worry about it as it only happens at night.

My experience is as follows, almost to the letter of your post i have experienced this for approx 9-12 months i guess, it only ever occurs when im lying in bed trying to get asleep. Ive become so used to it that i hardly take notice of it anymore apart from the really startling episodes.

I searched a lot for answers as i was sure it could not be normal, there had to be an explanation somewhere, i then came across what i now think is the answer, i am pretty much content that this is the explanation i was looking for.

Exploding Head Syndrome..... Sounds pretty drastic i know, however if you type it into a search engine im sure you will be able to read for yourself and maybe it could be apparent to your experience(s).

Of course im not saying you should take this explanation as a definate answer for yourself, it just sounded so similar to my own experiences so thought it might help you if i mentioned the EHS so you could read up on it for yourself.

Hope this helps.

26-02-09, 01:32
i have just been reading about exploding head syndrome. because it sounds like wot i get mine sounds like a balloon popping in my head. according to what i just read its harmless and docs tend to think its anxiety based. u should go docs for peace of mind though and it nearly always happens when ur falling asleep. if you need more info google it.

26-02-09, 03:05
thanks for posting the question. I get like a loud 'pop' sound in my head sometimes (usually when im physically totally shattered). The first time it happened, about 6 months ago, it sent me into a huuuuuge panic attack (the usual, brain hemorrhage etc etc...) and it still sends me into a mild PA when it happens, but ive kinda got used to it now. I never had it down as a symptom of my anxiety until i read the replies to your post. Feel much better now. Hope you find all the answers ur looking for.
x x

26-02-09, 09:36
This isn't like a popping sound, it really doesnt sound anything like a baloon...it sounds like electric...hmm will go see my gp i think...thanks for the reassurance and replies to you all.
Kerry xx

26-02-09, 10:36
The electric feeling.....is it like a racing car sound in your head......

26-02-09, 11:04
When I get the big bang inside my head on falling asleep, mine sounds like a huge metal garage door has been slammed shut. I don't get it often, but when I do it really startles me.

26-02-09, 11:43
I posted a thrad about hearing and feeling a vibration in my head. Here' hoping it's anxiety because our GPs don't want to know...:(

27-02-09, 18:05
I did eventually read about explosive head syndrome and i was shocked to read thats its a real condition. The name does sound drastic but upon reading it, it's just like what i experienced...to the tee!