View Full Version : Aaaagh not another bug..

25-02-09, 17:44
I went to bed sunday evening feeling okish... but woke up monday morning with a really sore throat, streaming nose, earache in my left ear. Ive gone through 2 boxes of kleenex since monday my nose is like a tap, now its all red and cracked. My left ear now feels like its got water in it..but it hasnt, my throat and chest are really sore and hurt like hell when i cough...and i feel like i have trouble breathing too, so i took myself off to the doctors this afternoon and got to see the nurse practioner, shes actually very nice and takes more time over your symptoms than the dr does. She took a sample and said ive got protein and something else in my water? so she said she ive got a water infection too but is sending it off for analasis. She also gave me an inhaler for when i feel wheezy and said if im no better by friday to go back and see her...but basically im sick of feeling like crap...
3 weeks ago i had that norovirus but it seemed to clear up within about 3 or 4 days. I know there are others here who have had one thing after the other too lately and its so depressing...i cant remember last time i felt well or without a cold since around october/november.
Ive got such a lot else going on right now too..hubby is being a total pain in the buttocks (sure he's in his second childhood) and ive got problems with an ongoing harrassment/bullying case at work too... so i dont know if im coming or going.
I never suffered with health anxiety ever before but im getting it into my head now that there must be something else wrong because of all the bouts of illness ive had in the last few months?...or am i just being paranoid :wacko: ??