View Full Version : Blood pressure question

25-02-09, 18:37
I am having my blood pressure monitored with my gp. I have been 3 time sin the last six weeks and have had readings of 155/90, followed by 144/70, and today 144/86.
I don't know what it should be and daren't look on google but am worried it is far to high.
High blood pressure does run in my family. My great grandfather had it in his 30's, my grandfather started medication for it when he turned 30 and my father started medication for it about 10 years ago. I'm now 30 and worried I could drop down at any moment with a heart attack or stroke!

25-02-09, 18:49
They say anything under 140/80 is fine, you'rs is only a bit over that, and your blood pressure varies anyway, with the time of day or what you've eaten or if you've been under the weather.
I'm sure your doc would have prescribed something if they thought it necessary (is that the spelling of necessary :shrug: ) never can remember.
Anyway, it's good that you're being monitored Paul, and even if you are put on medication, it's going to make sure you keep well in the future.

all the best


25-02-09, 19:47
Remember to take into acoount white coat syndrome which is that the anxiety of knowing your are going to have your blood pressure taken makes it go up and is usually allowed for by Dr's. Also was the pressure taken with a manual cuff by the Dr or one of those very inaccurate automatic machines that they use in hospitlas as these machines are much less reliable. another thing is make sure you haven't had a drink of anything in the half hour before the test and not done any exercise and don't talk during the test or have your arm hanging down. All these can make your blood pressure go up.
another trick is for 10 mins before the test breath slowly - don't hold your breath but slow in and slow out so you breath at less than 10 breaths per minute and that lowers blood pressure nicely as well.

25-02-09, 22:29
Please try not to worry too much about these readings. You are young and it is nowwhere near high enough to cause you any imminent harm. It is right that you should have it monitored and should the Dr decide he will prescribe tablets. My brother in law had high blood pressure diagnosed when he was in his 20's and has taken tablets all his life. He is well and in his 70's now....so please don't worry, they can control any rise if necessary..Doc probably thinks it is only borderline high at present and could well come down and so no need for tabs. Ty not to worry, you will be fine.

26-02-09, 11:52
Try not to worry too much. My blood pressure shoots up whenever I get it taken, so my doctor has told me to try doing it myself with the monitor thing at the surgery because of certain medication I want to go on and we cant seem to get it low enough whenever someone takes it for me! I hate having my blood pressure taken! She said it needs to be 140/80 or below :) Last time I had it taken it was 152/100 baring in mind I'd been panicking about the appointment, and she said that that was high but not dangerously high and put it down to me being nervous. Do you get nervous about having it taken?

27-02-09, 15:49
I have so callled "white coat" syndrome...i have readings of around 140/82, my lowest being 140/65...that was such a surprise considering i'd been to a funeral in the morning...lol sure the doc got it wrong. But as of late i have got pregnant and when i went to my first antenatal check at hospital with my consulatant it shot up to 159/115 on one of those automatic machines...i was very worried before my appointement but after few mins it dropped to 149/77 ... i was told to relax more ....easier said than done. My reading was classified as elevated but NOT HIGH,.... i was told anything over 140/90 was classified as elevated...but having a health anxiety isn't going to help me. I am now due back at the doctors on Tues to have my blood pressure monitored again... i am panic ridden already at the mere thought, so my levels will never come down. ..also pregnancy doesn't help. I was assured that anxiety is a big trigger to push up blood pressure and unless levels are seriously high then there is no reason for concern. I proved at the hospital that my anxiety pushes mine straight up. So realisitically i have to tell myself i haven't got high blood pressure it merely gets elevated and is usually as a result of the classic "white coat syndrome".

:) xx jo xx

28-02-09, 09:48
Thanks very much for your reassurance. It has helped me. I do get nervous when I go into the doctors to have it taken so it probably goes up a little but due to my family history I can't help but worry.
But you have all helped put my mind at ease a little.

28-02-09, 12:19
Hi Paul,

I'm glad some of the people here have managed to give you some reassurance. I'd like to give you my experience with this as I'm a similar age to you - 31 - and I used to worry about my blood pressure all the time.

One of the things to remember is that BP varies throughout the day and depends on very much what you have been doing and how you're feeling.

Because of my constantly "high normal" readings at the doctor I got myself a home BP monitor last year, so I could get a better idea of how it varies, and, because at that time I was worried.

Now remember I'm 31, male, a smoker, slim but not that fit these are the sort of ranges I'll come up with (all but the first are typical home measurements):

At the doctors: 140-150/80-90
Not stressed, resting: 130/75
A little stressed, resting: 145/85
Before bed when tired: 125/70

And the last one, given my fairly normal typical readings is mid panic attack, I'm trying to illustrate just how much it can change without harming you:

Panic attack: 180/140

As you can see my normal values are 125/70 upto 150/90 if taken at the doctors, yet my normal mid-range day to day value is well inbetween and fairly safe.

Conclusion? Stop worrying about it, if it's excessively high over an extended period then your doctor can do something about it, however from the readings you've given I'd not say at this point there's much to worry about especially as the doctors readings are likely to be a little higher than normal.