View Full Version : Any positives....?

25-02-09, 19:28
Took my first tablet of 10mg today, have read lots of negative posts about it and wondering what on earth I have done!

Please, please someone tell me some positives about this medicine...sounds like I am going to have a long wait before they kick in!

25-02-09, 19:32
Generaly it starts to kick in after about two weeks, this is the second type of med I was ever given and it was 100x better then fluoxetine for me! Its good for anxiety and depression and I never had any negative side effects, the only reason Im on something else is because I had to start taking another med for an unrelated problem that interfers with it.
If this is the right drug for you then it will work well and in my experience is much less nasty than other meds
Hope this helps

25-02-09, 19:34
P.s please remeber everyone is diferent and reacts differently to meds, also if this one isnt right for you there are loads of alternatives and you can just keep trying untill you find the right one
Good luck x

25-02-09, 19:39
i'm in the same boat as you,
worried !
not started mine yet but i need too !

25-02-09, 20:00
I am just starting week 5, on 20mg, and I feel great!! Yes, a few side effects, but I am feeling "normal" now for the first time in years:yahoo: .

I am taking it for panic attacks and anxiety, which I have suffered with for nearly 20yrs, and so wish I had gone on these years ago, when first offered, and saved myself a lot of wasted time!!:weep:

:yesyes: for citalopram

26-02-09, 16:47
Fantastic, thank you so much for your replies!!!

I am on my second day of 10mg and feel fine, not any side effects as yet but then I didnt get a leaflet with mine so am not really sure what they are anyway (prob not a bad thing as I would convince myself I had them!)

Felt a tiny bit dizzy this morning and had indigestion last night (felt a bit sick too) but they were really minor...can side effects show themselves at any time?? Doc told me to go up to 20mg after first week.

I was thinking of taking the tablet early evening instead of 1st thing in the morn as I was worried how I would be at work today, but thought sod it and took one this morn...

Fingers crossed I will be ok, would love to feel 'normal' again and going to stick to it!


26-02-09, 22:12
i started out thinking its a load of bull but as treatment has gone on i have felt the effects and the relief that the citalphom(so?) gives to me

26-02-09, 22:32
I started on 20mg for anxiety and depression. I had no side effects at all I don't think. I went up to 40mg about 4 weeks later and started to feel much better. Stick with them I reakon and don't be worried about taking them