View Full Version : can zispin increase ur sex drive

25-02-09, 20:53
ive been reading up on diff antidepressents and there supposed to decrease it but ive found it does the opposite is this normal?

25-02-09, 22:30
LOL Shelly,

I wish it had the same effect on me, however I do take other medication too. That might explain why I an like a nun now!

Take care and enjoy!

26-02-09, 00:42
Erm..can you get this over the counter...?

26-02-09, 03:33
Not for me but then it doesn't do much else for me unfortunately, maybe I take placebo's.


23-03-09, 12:10
ive been reading up on diff antidepressents and there supposed to decrease it but ive found it does the opposite is this normal?

It's probably because depression cause a decrease in sex drive, which is lifted by the antidepressant action of mirtazapine :)

Unlike SSRI that usually just kills peoples sex drive and desires.

23-03-09, 13:32
My other half would love me to be on that!!!!:roflmao:

My meds do the opposite:wacko: What is sex!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko:

23-03-09, 18:04
My other half would love me to be on that!!!!:roflmao:

My meds do the opposite:wacko: What is sex!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko:

You know mirtazapine augmentation can actually decrease the sexual dysfunction caused by SSRI :)

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18278806?ordinalpos=3&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsP anel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum