View Full Version : Im an utter state, can anybody relate to this?

25-02-09, 21:06
Headache, in the back, mainly on the right, im convinced its a brain tumour cos the pain seems to be mainly in the same place:'(

My legs/arms/body twitches loads..is this another symptom?

My visions kinda weird..harder to see things far away, its blurry..

Im REALLY tired:S

Im SO worried..

25-02-09, 21:21
i get this too - all of it! believe me it goes away after a while, its just the anxiety. theres no need to get yourself all worked up yet, just try to accept it as anxiety and it will more than likely go away honestly! whats the headache like? an actual headache or like a sore scalp? does it hurt to touch? mine does when this happens. twitching i think is caused by tiredness and i'm pretty sure it affects your eyesight, i think it does mine too! if you can, get a good night's sleep and if you accept that it may just be anxiety it will significantly improve. message me if you need to talk :)

25-02-09, 21:31
No, you do not have a brain tumour.

25-02-09, 22:04
i have all this too plus lots more, its hard not to worry but i try to tell myself that if it was that bad i would probably be in a lot more pain than i am and wouldnt still wanna go out like i do. ive had some blood tests and stuff too so all i do is talk myself out of my thoughts and believe me i know just how hard it is to do

25-02-09, 22:24
im similar in that respects- im worried sick about this constant pressure i feel in my head, doctors are adamant its anxiety, im worried sick so i know how you feel.

25-02-09, 23:11
yep joe me too

26-02-09, 10:33
Alexy - I notice you keep posting about this and we keep replying trying to reassure you but I guess it isn't working.

You really need to see a doc and tell him all this and get reassurance as this is just making you ill at the moment.

It is definitely not a brain tumour or you would be either very very ill by now or dead!

26-02-09, 14:37
Try this...
