View Full Version : Symptoms i was hoping you guys might be able to help me with :o)

25-02-09, 21:39
Hi girls and boys, it has been a while since i last posted on the forum and i hope in the time i have been away that you all have progressed with anxiety and managed to lessen the effects it has on your lives.

I am still living with issues which are mainly health concerns causing anxiety really and i was wandering whether anybody can associate with any of the problems/symptoms i am about to mention or whether anyone knows what might be the problem.

I am going to list my symptoms by numbering each one.

1) The sensation of something under my skin from my sternum near my heart right down to my navel. It is difficult to explain but i have this fullness kind of sensation and when i run my hand over my skin around this area it is usually very warm and just below the point of where the heart sits in the centre of the chest, i can feel what feel like to me to be little nobbly things under the skin at this location. Also with this i get occasional back pain and very frequently i have shortness of breath with it, even at rest. I suffer with acid too so i don't know if this is to blame for the bloated sensation i feel between my sternum and navel. This also causes frequent skipped heartbeats for me aswell which can happen at anytime, whether doing anything or relaxing at the time. It is worse however after eating.

2) Ectopic heartbeats in general: I have had these for a while now and they can occur whilst at rest or when walking/doing an activity. When they happen they can last for 20-30 minutes and the pattern of heartbeat usually is always the same. It consists of a pause and then one or two beats that come afew seconds later together. Sometimes it even feels like the heart is beating from a different location to where most heartbeeats can usually be felt.

3) Difficulty breathing: This is not like a gasping air sensation but all the same i cannot take a proper inhalation in all the way to the point when you feel you are going 'over the wave' so to speak and straight into the exhalation. I also find i cannot exhale for long when attempting to (like when doing some relaxation breathing exercise that recommends you time your inhaling and exhaling ....the 7/11 exercise for instance). Is it abnormal for me not to be able to exhale for a lengthy period. With panic attacks and anxiety i always fear running short of breathe whilst walking and this causing me to faint due to the lack of air i feel i am getting in my body.

My main fear with anxiety and panic attacks is fainting or feeling faint due to the feeling of not getting enough oxygen in and another fear is that the skipped beat/arrythmia is something to be concerned about.

My abdomen pain mentioned in number 1 also causes me concern in as much as i dont know if the abdomen issue is having an impact on my other body symptoms such as my skipped heartbeat.

If anyone can share any ideas or if you suffer with similar symptoms, i would love to hear back from you all :o)

I hope you all have a panic free night and remainder of the week :o)


26-02-09, 14:46
Hi Dave Only thing here I can reply to is the ectopic beats. If you have had them checked out and been told they are harmless then you should try to ignore as best as possible. That sounds insane...as we who suffer know ,but I have had them on and off for 20 years and often all day ,every day, and when I got so frustrated that I was telling them that I had a life and had no time for them they started to recede. Every time I felt one I delibrately switched my mind to something else (anything will do). Also many people believe that they are linked in some way to the Vagus nerve, so that they will be affected by eating. Latest is that Purple Grape juice helps...anything is worth a try. Sorry I can't help more but sure others will.