View Full Version : dream and sleep

26-02-09, 07:47
Right my anxiety is at an all time high at the moment and was just wondering if people have dreams all the time when they have high anixety? I seem to be having dreams EVERY night at the moment :(

Also when they wake up does anyone else feel so heavy like they dont want to get up and feel all achy? im feeling like this at the moment and just wondered if anyone else felt this way? x

26-02-09, 08:09
I feel just like you described every morning, in fact I would say that thats the worst moment of the day for me. And yes, I dream too every night and most of the dreams are very weird and confusional. I don't wake up fresh and ready to go, I wake up sleepy and moody:shrug: .
Usually I feel better after washing my face and breathing some fresh air.
I wonder why we feel like this...
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day!:bighug1:

26-02-09, 08:13
Yea im exactly the same about the fressh air and washing i feel abit better but im suffering from real bad anxiety at the moment so my days are that great anymore :( but i have blood test results coming bk next week so i hope that might shed some light, but its the derealisation im having every day at the moment that is making me feel so down :(

04-03-09, 12:21
Hello there.
I too have very weird dreams. I can recount them every morning. I have no problem going to sleep but wake constantly throughout the night from between 3 times to 10 times.
I wake up as tired as I went to bed and even a shower doesn't wake me up much.
I have suffered with depression since beginning of last year and it has taken my doctor a good few months with the help of a CPN to get the medication right. They are still not happy with it and I wonder whether the tablets along with depression keeps me awake?
I hope you get some results soon and feel a bit better.
I just want to sleep through the night. Working full-time and not enough sleep don't go together too well.

04-03-09, 12:32
Right my anxiety is at an all time high at the moment and was just wondering if people have dreams all the time when they have high anixety? I seem to be having dreams EVERY night at the moment :(

Also when they wake up does anyone else feel so heavy like they dont want to get up and feel all achy? im feeling like this at the moment and just wondered if anyone else felt this way? x
I thought i was alone with this:blush: I wake up more tired than when i went to bed feeling heavy like i am really overweight......(i am not) sometimes i can remember the dream sometimes not - generally wake up fearful:weep: my anxiety is through the roof at the moment - last night my nose and throat felt blocked by mucus - found it eally hard to breathe = panic - panic so fed up!!!!:weep:

Little Miss Anxious
04-03-09, 13:10
Hi there, I have very strange dreams alot of the time, not particularly scary ones but some quite funny ones & others are just downright bizarre (things my imagination couldnt even conjure up in my waking hours !!) Most mornings one of the first question my hubby asks me is have I had any funny dreams to tell him about, they often make him laugh !

I notice I do dream alot more when I am anxious about something, I'm scared of flying so whenever I am going on a plane my dreams will become more intense & frequent 3 or 4 nights before my trip & the night before I am lucky to get 2 hours sleep.

Think its just the subconcious mind working overtime when we are worried about stuff.

I often write my dreams down....if I had the guts i'd get them anyalysed, I am not sure I want someone seeing what goes off in this subconcious mind of mine though ???:yahoo: ???

05-03-09, 13:16
Hiya, im the same, I keep getting the same dream over and over. Different situation but always the same thing happenin. I always get chased in my dreams or im running from something. It does my head in! i would like a nice dream every now and then. xx