View Full Version : Strange feeling when i am going to sleep?

26-02-09, 08:25
Hi everyone i hope you can help me out here.

I try to explain as good as i can, a little hard when its not my first language.

When i am about to go to bed i often get high anxiety, this has been hard to handle so i often notice that the anxiety gets higher when its time for bed.

When i am in bed i can get a feeling of sudden breathless and that i am about faint only for a short moment. I "wake" up from this and can feel my heart beats really hard and have an unpleasant feeling in my chest.
It is a very bad feeling and it scares me alot.

Have you people here have had the same feeling? I guess i need some reassurnace please.

/ Daniel

26-02-09, 08:33
Hi Daniel,

I know exactly what you mean, i tend to get the same thing a lot, especially when ive been working nights and im really tired when i go to bed.

Do you have anxiety anyway? Before this feeling started? I always thought that the strange feeling before i fell asleep was because of the anxiety, but im not too sure. But everything seems worse in bed, i think. You dont have any distractions to take your mind away from thinking about the anxiety, so your mind wanders and starts to get anxious/panic. Have you tried relaxation before bed? For example, a nice bath or a book to help you drift off?

The pounding heart sounds like it could be ectopics, but its hard to say. Have you thought about seeing your doctor?

Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on.

Sue x x

26-02-09, 08:47
Hi Daniel,

I know exactly what you mean, i tend to get the same thing a lot, especially when ive been working nights and im really tired when i go to bed.

Do you have anxiety anyway? Before this feeling started? I always thought that the strange feeling before i fell asleep was because of the anxiety, but im not too sure. But everything seems worse in bed, i think. You dont have any distractions to take your mind away from thinking about the anxiety, so your mind wanders and starts to get anxious/panic. Have you tried relaxation before bed? For example, a nice bath or a book to help you drift off?

The pounding heart sounds like it could be ectopics, but its hard to say. Have you thought about seeing your doctor?

Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on.

Sue x x

Thanks for your answear Sue!

First, i went to see my doctor last week and he did a big check up on my heart and chest. Tokk blodd samples too.
No problem everything is very fine he said. He relate it to the anxiety.

Often when this happen i have big anxiety when going to bed, i feel tensed and scared.

I have not tried relaxation before bed, maybe i should try that.
Mostly i watch some tv and after that directly to bed.

Is it happen alot for you?

/ Daniel

26-02-09, 09:34
Hi dazo,
I think it's quite common.
Seems like anxiety as you give yourself over to sleep and your body is taking over control from your thoughts, causing some anxiety. Perhaps some relaxation method before you actually try to sleep might help.

take care
