View Full Version : Always ill...totally fed up.

26-02-09, 11:42
I am sure this post has been done more than once, but I just need to vent.

I have had this stupid anxiety since last July and since then I have felt ill for the majority of days. My main symptoms are nausea (sometimes severe), IBS with stomach cramps and feeling very shaky.

I know that all of these things are caused by an excess of adrenaline, and I am told by my CBT lady that when I accept this and understand that it is something I don't have to feel, things will start to get better.

I totally agree with her in principle, but at the moment, my mind is not co-operating. When I have times in the day when I am feeling ok, I have to "test" myself and think am I really feeling well? As soon as I do this, all the symptoms return immediately, arghhh!

I just want to wake up and feel ok and not have to fight to get through the day, it's exhausting. There, rant over, thanks for reading.

27-02-09, 05:43
Hi Rocklover :)

Acceptence is a wonderful thing !.. however, it is easier said than done. You see, just saying to yourself that you accept is not enough as it has to sink sink into your subconcious and that takes time.

At the moment it feels as though this is going to be a never ending path of attacks and feeling like poop for the rest of your life.. but It willl get better.

Try and keep positive, and don't give up hope. Keep ranting and raving and get all that off your chest.. we understand.



27-02-09, 09:58
I know the feeling rocklover.
The answers always seem easy when you read them or are told them but in reality it's a lot harder to put them into practice.
You do wake up and hope that you are going to have a day when you feel okay and it does drag you down when you start to feel rough again soon after getting up.
Try to hang on in there, and stay as positive as you can.
Rants can be good sometimes :D


27-02-09, 12:04
Thanks for the replies. I totally identify with what you say Mick, I often wake up and for the first 10 mins or so I feel ok, then it all starts again. I have been improving, for alot of last week I felt pretty good, but feeling so ill again this week has really got me down.

27-02-09, 17:49
Iv'e been dealing with this for sometime but lately have been feeling even more sick to my stomach and drained due to depression, for me some reason right when I lay down to go to bed I feel like I'm going to throw up and then everything settles because I've learned to ignore it and then I'm fine and go to sleep.
What helps me feel better during the day time is doing pilates when I can, I always notice the difference- I just do it at home on DVD. Maybe you would like to try yoga or pilates.