View Full Version : Eye question/worry

26-02-09, 12:07
I recently came back from a doctors appointment today, as I was concerned about an eye problem. I get dry itchy eyes but doesn't affect me all the time. I also sit to long in front of the PC. I was diagnosed with Blepharitis last year, and have to keep my eyes lubricated. My right eye has given me cause for concern, and had it checked out. The doctor also looked in my eyes too.
All fine. He gave me a antibiotic gel to put in my eyes to help

My question is what does a doctor see when he looks in my eyes? I am very worried at the moment, is this just dry eyes.


26-02-09, 16:14
Is there anyone who can help me with this, going crazy with worry :(

26-02-09, 20:53
Anyone have any advice, I feel so low :weep:

26-02-09, 21:16
I guess if you have seen the doctor then he has checked things and told you what it was so people cannot comment anymore on it.

26-02-09, 21:21
Yeah i guess so, i know i shouldn't beat myself up over it. If it was anything else the doctor would have said. I'm just struggling to except his diagnosis, even though deep down i know he is right. My biggest problem is that I tend to believe my own diagnosis rather than a trained doctor!! Crazy or what!

26-02-09, 21:32
Yeah try not to worry - I know that is hard.

Don't go googling either lol

26-02-09, 21:40
Hi Hollytree,
You've got to try and see the positive in your doctors good news. :D
If the doctor had seen anything, he would have refered you on to a specialist.
Try not to worry, it will probably clear up soon.

take care


26-02-09, 21:42
Have you tried an optician if you're not completey happy with what the doctor has said?

26-02-09, 21:58
Thanks alot for all your advice, I have been given a antibiotic gel by my doctor to put in my eyes 4x a day for 5 days. I will wait and see what that does and if things get better. I am happy with my doctors diagnosis, just have to get it into my stupid head that he knows what he's talking about. I promise i won't google!!! that is a nightmare waiting to happen, got burnt to many times doing that, so i'm staying away from it : ) My eyes were last tested in September 07 so i guess i could go and get a check up.

Thanks guys xxxx