View Full Version : Headaches

26-02-09, 14:32
I will try and write a website page with more details about headaches, the causes and treatments but here is a quick summary that may help:

They can result from stiff and painful muscles, especially in your scalp, jaw, neck. shoulders and upper back
They may be related to stress or may accompany a hangover
They sometimes follow a sporting injury or head injury
Some people are prone to headaches at weekends, possibly as a result of a change in routine.
They may also be caused by eye problems, dental problems, sinusitis, spinal problems or high blood pressure
They are rarely a sign of a brain tumour. In addition, the symptoms of a brain tumour usually develop gradually and become progressively worse, unlike the episodic nature of migraine, which is associated with complete freedom from symptoms between attacks.

26-02-09, 15:06
I'm in the "Prone to headaches" category.
I suffer for sometimes up to 4 weeks at a time and then i can not have one for a couple of weeks. It's just me - unfortunately.

Thanks for posting this.

26-02-09, 17:20
I'm prone to headaches too. I usually get headaches on Fridays. In HS I made it a joke with friends. Everyone used to say, here she comes with her "Friday headache".

Gemma T
05-03-09, 16:40
God i think my headaches/migraines fall into every catergory except sports injury etc (im a little lazy). Withour Migraleve i dont know where id be x x x

06-03-09, 23:40
I am prone to getting headaches :doh:

I recently found out that I've got Cluster Headache, but for a long time I kept going to see doctors and being turned away. The fear of getting a CH episode has had me in pieces since my teens, but its only now I can put a name to it. I don't know if I can attribute my anxiety solely to this, but the worry about these headaches has led to me changing my behaviour and avoiding things I want to do incase one comes along.

09-03-09, 17:17
I`m prone to headaches:rolleyes: I`ve had one everyday since August 2007.
But then I do suffer from Idiopathic Intercranial Hypertension or Psuedotumor Cerebri as it`s known in the States.
Wish more was being done to find a cure for this condition but the medical people answer is to either make us have a shunt fitted(which causes more problems and doesn`t always get rid of the headaches anyway)or to keep taking Diamox which turns us all into the living dead.

31-03-09, 13:50
Ouch I have had a headache on and off for the last two days.

The ache has been seriously panicing me, but then I sit back and think, hang on while I am having this headache, my "normal" Anxiety symptoms have been gone.. obsolete, so it must be a new Anxiety sign, yipee!

Anyway, my head has been aching the last few days, just thought I would share that, I cant think straight, or cant seem too, I am overreacting to it I guess as I never have any headaches normally.

Help or advice most great fully received.

31-03-09, 14:45
:hugs: :hugs:
Hi Nicola
that sort of information is really useful.
Thank you

31-03-09, 18:23
my depth perception has been off the pot today, is this a symptom any of you have had?

01-05-09, 04:51
Ugh, I've had headaches nearly every day for maybe a year or two now. It's horrid.

19-05-09, 18:39
Does anyone have a sensation that there head is very full and heavy and feel its a headache but it doesnt hurt? Is that a symptom after suffering from anxiety for the past week.
Also havent done much and been indoors most of the week.
Appreciate feedback as like someone with health anxiety I feel it could be a tumour (because its painless) or something worse because I have a fear of sudden death.

18-06-09, 17:14
I think the sudden ice-pick headaches are the most unsettling! Just need to live as if they never happen and soon they will disperse and even stop occurring.

08-09-09, 20:51
iv got a headache passed 3 days running.can this be due to stress and anxiety?

24-09-09, 15:21
Hi Meena,
Stress does manifest itself in all sorts of strange ways, headache being one.
But to err on caution, you should have it checked out.

Are you taking any meds for your anxiety ? coz some of these too can have side effects like headaches etc.

I have suffered from anx/dep for a fair time. Give yourself some time & TLC. Bereavement can be painfull and can leave many mental scars. Just don't take on too much and relax whenever you can. I found meditation useful when really stressed


02-10-09, 22:57
Hi, I have been suffering from headaches for about 2 or 3 years now. I seem to have one most days for weeks at a time then they go away and I'm ok for a a few weeks then they come back. As well as having a constant headache I keep getting these sharp stabbing pains which last for a few seconds at a time then go away. These seem to be getting more frequent. Does anyone else experience these sharp stabbing pains? Docs put me on 10mg Nortryptelene which helped a little but I was still getting the headaches.

It's very depressing. I go to bed with one hoping it will go away but then it's still there when I wake.

I'm not sure the Doc takes me seriously. I know I suffer with stress and get anxious which explaines the headaches but what about these stabbing pains?

How does everyone else cope with their headaches?

06-10-09, 23:35
kind of glad 2 see what u put there and it looks like u know what your talkn ablout i have a sore left had side of my jaw and sneez alot could this b 2do with mine? but its only sometimes a headache most times its a dull pain on the laft hand side at the top of my head and sometimes all over the top of my head what does this sound like i had a head scan about 6 mths ago that was fine could have something happen in that time? worried its bad? i am also 15 weeks preg thanks 4 reading

07-10-09, 17:08
Def sounds like a tension headache to me. These can last for days, even years if left untreated. I have just been put onto Dosolupin (sp?) for anxiety and as a tryciclic it should help with tension headaches. Anybody else had success with these? Or TCA's as a whole?

07-10-09, 17:10
Does anyone have a sensation that there head is very full and heavy and feel its a headache but it doesnt hurt? Is that a symptom after suffering from anxiety for the past week.
Also havent done much and been indoors most of the week.
Appreciate feedback as like someone with health anxiety I feel it could be a tumour (because its painless) or something worse because I have a fear of sudden death.

Exactly how mine feels - as if it is really heavy yet when laying down it goes away - been anxious for 8 weeks and could take a few weeks to go apparently. :(

07-10-09, 17:14
Does anyone have a sensation that there head is very full and heavy and feel its a headache but it doesnt hurt? Is that a symptom after suffering from anxiety for the past week.
Also havent done much and been indoors most of the week.
Appreciate feedback as like someone with health anxiety I feel it could be a tumour (because its painless) or something worse because I have a fear of sudden death.

My head feels like this, not a very painful head ache more of a dull heavy feeling - this has been worse since I start ADs and I'm sure brought on by anxiety. I do get days where don't have but then can last for a couple of days.

This may help (quote from website[if needs to be removed I will]):
"Tension-type headache pain is often described as a constant pressure, as if the head were being squeezed in a vise (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vise_(tool)). The pain is frequently bilateral (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilateral) which means it is present on both sides of the head at once. Tension-type headache pain is typically mild to moderate, but may be severe.

Various precipitating factors may cause TTH in susceptible individuals.[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tension_headache#cite_note-2) One half of patients with TTH identify stress or hunger as a precipitating factor .

Stress - Usually occurs in the afternoon after long stressful work hours or after an exam
Sleep deprivation
Uncomfortable stressful position and/or bad posture
Irregular meal time (hunger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger))
Caffeine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine) withdrawal "

08-10-09, 11:48
Where do you feel your headache? Mine is usualy in the middle of my forehead, this is also where I get tingling sensations. Sometime get near temples 2.

sarah jayne
08-10-09, 12:28
Ive had a headache for nearly 2 months and for the last week have also been being sick and have swollen glands, im going back to the doctors again later cause i cant cope with it anymore...

anx mum
08-10-09, 12:59
Hope u have better luck with gp then me hun. Know how u feel still got this headache getting me so down.

08-10-09, 19:07
I'm just back from my GP - why I was there I mentioned the headaches I get and tiredness - He told be I was describing classic anxiety symptoms and to try not worry about it. Hope this helps anyone bother about them.

09-10-09, 15:24
I suffer from headaches when i am thinking too much about negative things and that may be the reason i have them.....
I also found they link to my palpertations in a string with the other symtoms i have.
hope this of some use to you.....?
thanks kay x

09-10-09, 21:25
Anyone get brain fog (unable to think) when then have a bad dull headache due to anxiety?

10-10-09, 21:09
I've had a headache for over a week now, mostly caused by stress....divorce, benefits, problems with my medication etc, i'm sure you get the picture ! My GP has prescribed amitriptyline, 75mg, which i have been taking for a long time now and i don't think anything is helping much. I take sumatriptan 100mg when i have a migraine but even those don't seem to be helping much at the minute. Anyone got any other ideas ? It's driving me nuts !! :shrug:

anx mum
10-10-09, 21:58
Know how u feel hun had a headache for over 2 months now tried everything painkillers, heat pads cool strips, tiger balm wheres the headache hun mines been mainly left side

anx mum
10-10-09, 21:59
How u getting on sarah?

11-10-09, 21:22
Know how u feel hun had a headache for over 2 months now tried everything painkillers, heat pads cool strips, tiger balm wheres the headache hun mines been mainly left side

It's been mainly over my right temple but this morning i woke up and it's more on the left and straight across the front. I am getting sick of it..it's not the first time i've had a headache like this, earlier in the year i had one for 2 months also. :weep:

12-11-09, 18:57
ive got a headache right now, its horrible my head feels so heavy, i think its sinus pain cos my cheekbones hurt too ooww

sarah jayne
12-11-09, 19:35
Ive just started some new medication for pain relief and its made my headache worse, im hoping it settles down in a few days.

13-11-09, 11:51
Am currently suffering from a shooting pain in the top of the right side of my head above and around where my ear is. It seems to hurt when I take a proper deep breath or if I tense up. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be?

13-11-09, 12:04
Anyone get brain fog (unable to think) when then have a bad dull headache due to anxiety?

Looking for info on headaches and came accross your post - brain fog (to me) is tterrifying.
Luckily there is a bit about it in Claire Weekes book Essential help for Nerves- it has helped me to understand it but 'every' time it happens - i get scared and scramble for the book to reassure myself.
To the other 'posters' my hubby is feeling real bad his headache right frront forehead has lasted 11 weeks so far. The doc gave him pracetamol.
Best wishes

13-01-10, 06:37
Hi Budgie
I too suffer from CH and have done for 22 years and like you was undiagnosed for a very long time. Episodic with normally 4-5 cycles a year which last 2-3 weeks each. I'm sure my anxiety is a result of CH and am totally with you on how you don't commit to things in case one comes along. I had to cancel my summer holidays as two days before I was due to go along came a cycle. I hope you are currently pain free! I have just finished another cycle, 4th one in 3 months which is blowing my anxiety through the roof! GP has just put me on citalopram to see if that prevents the CH which is an added bonus for helping with anxiety. Hopefully it works but only time will tell.

For those of you who need clarification on cluster headaches I suggest you check out www.ouch-us.org or clusterheadaches.com or do a search on cluster headaches on You Tube. The pain of CH is debilitating, pain killers do not touch them at all.

11-02-10, 14:47
Hi people, im new to this site and have just been reading your comments about headaches which i find interesting. Does anyone work on computers all day as their job? I have been suffering with anxiety for about 3 years now which was brought on by an inner ear disorder which wiped me out for about 8 months. As a result i have had to deal with so many different neurological symptoms in the past 3 years.

The last year or so i have been experiencing sudden aches/pains above both eyes and am convinced its caused by muscle tension as a result of straining my eyes staring at computer all day. I have been through the whole seeking scans, doctors opinions etc.. so im not going to worry myself, but these symptoms totally freak me out when they occur. They are not normal headaches as they don't last very long, but quick jolts/pains that last a matter of seconds. Anyone experience this?

If i feel relaxed these symptoms don't happen so i know its stress related. Problem i have is that i work in a busy studio and feel under scrutiny from work collegues around me, which causes me to stress out easliy and currently im having real problems focusing on computer for long periods at a time because my vision feels weird and cos of the various head pains.

Be great to what you guys think.


04-03-10, 23:41
hiya everyone the for the last few weeks now i have been waking up with headaches and an aching jaw my partner has woke me up a few times now to tell me to stop grning my teeth!!i also get headaches in the day sometimes aswell and my neck feels really stiff and tight a few times i've had to go to bed with them and sit in the dark really horrible

03-04-10, 17:32
Hi, I'm new to this whole thing and cannot say how pleased I am to have found some people who sound like me ... not to say I'm glad you are suffering. I used to be pretty laid back and absolutely nothing phased me, I'm a little ashamed to think that I used to think that depression etc were highly over exaggerated, and then slowly over the past few months things began to get on top of me and I bounced from one stressful thing to the next. I eventually ended up randomly bursting into tears all the time and a few weeks ago I had my second ever migrane and was bed ridden.. Since that I have had a serious of what the Dr thinks are tension headaches, pains behind my eyes and soft spots along my skull. If I stand up to quick I feel dizzy and have spots in my vision and I have constant noise in my left ear, to be honest it's driving me mad. I'm due back to work on monday and to be honest I'm dreading it, I feel weak and vunerable due to dizziness etc. I would be really interested in talking to someone with the same symptoms or anyone that has any tips on how to cope with these symptoms!!


07-05-10, 10:36
For the past two months I have had crushing headaches, which seem to get much worse in the night, mainly starting at the base of my skull, and then going right up the back of my head. I get a feeling of great pressure around my head too. This started really after I was left as sole carer for an aging father who has dementia. With these dreadful headaches come dizziness and a feeling of nausea and a "floating" feeling when walking. My heart races, and I feel as if I might actually faint (which I have done at the start of this episode).

Trouble is, I find it so hard to believe that stress and tension can actually manifest itself as a rewal and frightening physical illness! Am I alone in thinking this??

07-05-10, 10:41
Ive just started some new medication for pain relief and its made my headache worse, im hoping it settles down in a few days.

I've been given Amitriptyline for headache and depression, I'm trying to stick with it, but at first it seems to make matters worse!

jaded jean
19-05-10, 18:04
My headaches seem to come after a blip. they always seem to be at the front -its like a mask of pressure and dizziness goes with it more often than not. Is it postural vertigo?? I have found if I hold my head higher than usual it does releive it a little.

07-06-10, 13:29
Headaches totaly sucks, big style. :(

19-06-10, 04:43
Headaches are caused due to several reasons like hypertension, diagnosis, working with the empty stomach and many other reasons. There are several type of the headaches like Migraine, and this is the most common type of the headaches specially found in the females. There are various symptoms of the Migraine like vomiting, due to which the weakness occurs.

17-10-10, 13:40

Here’s a web site that was recommended to me by a health worker. It is written by a consultant neurologist so I am assuming it is believable. It goes into great detail and is easy to read for us non medically minded folk. I found it very reassuring.

http://www.severe-headache-expert.com/index.html (http://www.severe-headache-expert.com/index.html)

Hope it helps

15-04-11, 20:07
Except for a bout of 3 weeks and the odd few days here and there, I have had a headache for 5 months straight. It is a classic-feeling tension headache, like a vice is closing over my temples with throbbing pain at its worst moments. I have had a brain mri which was clear and a neck x-ray which was also clear. I am now at a back-neck specialist (dr.) who has cracked my neck on two occassions and says I have cervical dysfunction in the facet joints of me neck and that is causing the pain and pressure. It is causing anxiety with me - I feel like it's never going to go away and I'm more frequently having dark moments of total anxiety. I guess I need to feel like this is a reasonable scenario for pain and that it will subside at some point. I am starting to feel hopeless.

23-08-11, 15:02
I have a headache almost everyday, its a classic tension headache I'm sure its there because have really tense muscles in my neck and shoulders. I also grind my teeth when I'm feeling anxious.

Does anyone get a tingling sensation that accompanies the headache?

12-09-11, 07:34
i have had this pain in the right side of my head now for over 8 weeks now and there is still no sign of it letting up , how i can describe it is like persistent dull achey pain thats always there 24/7 and i sometimes get sharp shooting pains aswell when it first developed it was really intense i thought i had a brain tumour i kept going back to my GP complaining till he sent me to emergency assement unit at my local hospital were there did a number of tests which one was a CT scan the CT scan came back normal blood tests came back normal aswell , so here i am into my ninth week still none the wiser the doctors dont no what it is neither does the hospital .

09-11-11, 16:21
Ive just had a headache thats come on me suddenly but its above my eyes?? any idea what kind it might be please? xx

25-01-12, 21:08
Ive been suffering stabbing pains in my head daily for over a year but have started to get worse in the last few months. The dr says its just stress and wont send me for any tests at all.

29-01-12, 19:55
Hey all.

I'd say the last 4/5 weeks I seem to have a headache everyday.

I use to have depression/anxiety and believe I'm over it, but because it's gone on so long I'm starting to think the worse again.

+ Headaches usually start in the mornings, round the back then move forward
+ Tired most of the time
+ If I wobble my head it hurts, Yes I know I should stop wobbling my head but it never use to do it!
+ Sometimes paracetemol/ibrpofen doesn't do anything

After 3 weeks I went to the doctor and said it's tension headaches/sinnitus (have had a lingering cold for around the same period, but rarely have a blocked nose)

I'm thinking of going back again at the end of this week if I get any headaches tommorow or Tuesday as I think I've put up for it long enough.

Things I thought was the cause
+ Dehydrated - Tried drinking more, sometimes fixes it!
+ Had my eyes tested; all good

Things I do which could be the cause?
+ I do squink (habbit)
+ I seem to 'lift' up my forehead (habbit), which moves scalp etc

Anyone else had this before or know whats causing it?

03-03-12, 17:26
I've had cronic migraine for a year now.
I take solphadol and sumatriptan.
I've had a brain scan and MRI.
Still waiting for the results.
Sumatriptan seem to help.
The sunlight and flashing lights make it worse.

03-06-12, 13:51
I've been having constant headaches for a month or two now. I'm not even sure I'd call them headaches, because they don't hurt as much as normal headaches should. What worries me is the burning, achey feeling I get in my head from them. It can be anywhere. Mostly on the top of my head, but in the back of my head too. That is the most annoying and "painful" feeling from these headaches.

I've been sleeping at sloppy hours, could this be the cause? Should I be more concerned? See a doctor? I'm worried...

31-10-12, 14:58
I have recently started again with the headaches, but it's not really a headache!! It's a dull feeling on the left side of the back of my head, coupled with sharp pains. My nose aches too sometimes and my shoulder.
Can anyone else relate?

20-12-12, 13:35
Kay so, lately I have been feeling a sharp pain in my right temple, no other symptoms and i figured it would go away eventually. However, three weeks had passed and it had gotten worse. I went to the docs and they gave me some anti flammitory pills that didnt help and a migraine prescription which didnt help either. I've tried advil to no help and im at my wits end. Its starting to slowly go away but not without a fight because now im getting pain at the back of my ear and around my head.

04-04-13, 05:21
I"ve always have headaches:weep: or just jolts and bolts trough out my head feels like somebody is stabbing me, it's horrible but ever since I started trying to get better and trying to keep my anxiety down. It seems my headaches have gone down from everyday to just one a week :yesyes:

04-04-13, 06:42
I often get stress headaches that last for weeks at a time. One thing I have learned is not to take too much paracetamol...as taking that for a long period can actually cause a headache :)

26-05-13, 22:38
I keep getting sharp pains by my left temple. So scared

17-06-13, 10:35
I'm terrified because my headache (which is not really a headache, it's like a shooting pain or a pressure) is in the back of my head!

17-06-13, 20:19
I have recently started again with the headaches, but it's not really a headache!! It's a dull feeling on the left side of the back of my head, coupled with sharp pains. My nose aches too sometimes and my shoulder.
Can anyone else relate?

This is what I've been getting for a few weeks now, I instantly start panicking :( the pressure/problems I've been having with my ears seem to worsen when it happens too, or maybe I'm just noticing it more?

Anyone else?

17-06-13, 23:42
Me. Left side especially, a stabbing pain just woke me up actually.

30-08-13, 17:37
For 3 months I have been hearing my heart beating in my head when I lay down at night. Sometimes it keeps me from sleeping or even wakes me up. I started on anti depressants about the same time all this started. 3 years ago I developed Vertigo and lost like 30% of my hearing in my right ear. My regular GP did a weird test and made me close my eyes and he put something on my eyes while shut and listened. He said it was old school as he listened and said he didn't hear what he was looking for if he thought it was an aneurysm. He said it could be because my hearing loss is getting worse is why I hear it so much. He said he could order an MRI to be safe. I also had sinus surgery back in February and the result was amazing. So now I'm waiting to get an MRI next week but I woke up the past couple mornings with this headache above my left eye.. Also it seems as if sinus pressure is behind my eyes and mainly on the left side it feels annoyed like there is pressure on the top left side of my nose. My neck is stiff but I haven't slept right in weeks. I'm always dizzy because of my vertigo so how do I know if I should like go to an emergency room?? I mean I can bear the pain of the headache but it just sits in the same spot above my left eye and throbs. I haven't had these headaches since February but they started back again this week. I also heard not to get your blood pressure up if you think there is a chance of an aneurysm but I work out 5 times a week so I'm thinking it would definitely have burst by now if one was there??? Anyone have anything to help me with this? Greatly appreciated.
Ms, Perinoid

05-09-13, 16:27
Sounds a lot like sinus trouble to me - for a couple of weeks I could kind of hear my heart beat 'whooshing' in my ears at night and that turned out to be a sinus infection - and that could also cause the headache above your left eye. You said you had sinus surgery in Feb so I'm guessing you're prone to some kind of sinus related 'stuff'?

09-02-14, 23:59
I've been having mirgraines recently and don't normally suffer from them could it be the tablets :'(

11-02-14, 16:15
Hello, I know the symptoms of anxiety, including headaches can be really uncomfortable and sometimes scary, however they are only sensations and will not harm you, trust me i suffered from anxiety for about 10 years and had almost every anxious thought and symptom. Fortunately I found a way to overcome mine. Feel free to ask questions, I am here to help any of you, thanks a lot

10-05-14, 15:53
Iv had an ongoing headache for 5-6 weeks. Been to the docs 3 times and a thorough eye test which did not show any problems. They are really getting me down as I think I may have a brain tumor as its been going on for so long. I am very anxious and possibly stressed about this. I have no other major symptoms other than can feel quite tired in the afternoon. The pain is gone at night when sleeping. Does anyone have any advice. I only suffered with 2-3 tension all day headaches a month before this. Its a dull mild/moderate pain mostly on my right side and back of head but can move around daily. Its worse when standing/walking like the impact of my step hurts my head. Does any one have any advise or experience of this. The thought of a brain tumor is very scary and upsetting.

26-06-14, 03:48
I've just woken up to one of the most crippling headaches of my life. It's utterly intolerable and pretty terrifying. I've taken paracetomal and ibuprofen. But it's so intense I don't think it'll touch it.


17-09-14, 16:36
I have no idea what kind of headache I have, but they're only occurring every so often. Does anyone else suffer from short stabbing pains on the left side of the head? Only lasting for a few seconds to a few minutes? I've had it for years :(

17-09-14, 21:46
I have never before had migraine headaches not associated with flu or msg (flavour enhancer used a lot in Chinese food). Suddenly out of the blue I started getting them in June which coincided with the start of a new med. Migraine, I saw, is listed as a common side effect. Happily, they went away after the first 3 weeks. :-) They are as well for another med I am now increasing. Fingers crossed I don't have to go through it again, but it's good to know they do pass!!

---------- Post added at 13:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

Just saw your post Lizzy Lou, yes it could be the tablets, but probably just at startup, give it 3-4 weeks if you can manage it! I had to go to the emerg department a couple of times for relief. Tell them what kinds of meds you are on and they can concoct an IV "cocktail" that will work, although mine made me feel extra anxious for a half hour or so. Side effect, lol!
Marie xx

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:43 ----------

Raggamuffin, sounds like you might want to consider the IV treatment too! The fluids alone help immeasurably. :D

07-10-14, 07:29
I was doing SO well with my health anxiety, and then I read an article about a young woman with terminal brain cancer.

Given that I've been dealing with a new type of headache over the last six months, I'm now trying to keep from panicking. :weep:

Can anyone please tell me if they've had these symptoms, which turned out to be harmless, as in, not terminal?

My symptoms are:
- headaches on the right side of my head
- the pain is like an ache, sometimes severe
- it can last between 30 minutes and 3 hours or so

- earaches on the right side
- vision on the right side also seems minorly affected once in a while


---------- Post added at 02:24 ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 ----------

Iv had an ongoing headache for 5-6 weeks. Been to the docs 3 times and a thorough eye test which did not show any problems.
gozzy, do you have any updates? My headaches are one-sided, and have been going on (on and off) for 6 or 7 months. They're not increasing in intensity, but they're persistent, and I'm worried about a brain tumor also. :(

---------- Post added at 02:27 ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 ----------

For 3 months I have been hearing my heart beating in my head when I lay down at night...
Any update on your headaches or test results, Michelle?

---------- Post added at 02:29 ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 ----------

Kay so, lately I have been feeling a sharp pain in my right temple, no other symptoms and i figured it would go away eventually. However, three weeks had passed and it had gotten worse. I went to the docs and they gave me some anti flammitory pills that didnt help and a migraine prescription which didnt help either. I've tried advil to no help and im at my wits end. Its starting to slowly go away but not without a fight because now im getting pain at the back of my ear and around my head.

Kalae, this sounds similar to what I deal with. Have you gotten any answers?

07-10-14, 07:30
I was doing SO well with my health anxiety, and then I read an article about a young woman with terminal brain cancer.

Given that I've been dealing with a new type of headache over the last six months, I'm now trying to keep from panicking. :weep:

Can anyone please tell me if they've had these symptoms, which turned out to be harmless, as in, not terminal?

My symptoms are:
- headaches on the right side of my head
- the pain is like an ache, sometimes severe
- it can last between 30 minutes and 3 hours or so

- earaches on the right side
- vision on the right side also seems minorly affected once in a while


Oh, absolutely Bulan.

I have had months & months of headaches that were one sided and accompanied by jaw ache, ear ache, etc. I wasn't sure what it was, and my GP only ever says "yeah, anxious people get things like this", so I asked my dentist at my check up. He checked the back teeth and found that there was evidence of grinding and also said my jaw muscles were enlarged from it.

I had no idea I was grinding and he asked me if it was worse in the morning and was I under any unusual levels of stress. I explained my anxiety disorder and the fact it was more prevalent in the mornings. He said I was grinding in my sleep.

Do you think this could be the same for you?

He gave me an exercise to do for a few minutes before I go to bed which helped a little but it took 6 months to eventually go on its own. I started taking paracetemol before bedtime which helped with the aches and in the end I stopped doing it which must have been due to this as the anxiety wasn't much less, unless the symptoms just shifted away from this as they can do this.

The exercise was just:

1) Open mouth wide.
2) Touch tongue to roof of mouth and hold for a few seconds.
3) Repeat.

It did alleviate the symptoms a little. Why not give it a try if you think you are grinding?

Another way is relaxation techniques. Maybe Progressive Muscle Stimulation (PMR) might help with grinding if its that?

07-10-14, 07:36
This is what I've been getting for a few weeks now, I instantly start panicking :( the pressure/problems I've been having with my ears seem to worsen when it happens too, or maybe I'm just noticing it more?

Anyone else?

Yes, me! I've had pressure problems in my right ear ever since the headaches began on the right side too.

Have you gotten any answers for this, carousels?

---------- Post added at 02:36 ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 ----------

Oh, absolutely Bulan.

I have had months & months of headaches that were one sided and accompanied by jaw ache, ear ache, etc. I wasn't sure what it was, and my GP only ever says "yeah, anxious people get things like this", so I asked my dentist at my check up. He checked the back teeth and found that there was evidence of grinding and also said my jaw muscles were enlarged from it.

I had no idea I was grinding and he asked me if it was worse in the morning and was I under any unusual levels of stress. I explained my anxiety disorder and the fact it was more prevalent in the mornings. He said I was grinding in my sleep.

Do you think this could be the same for you?
Thanks for your reply, Terry! It's possible, although my Ear, Nose & Throat specialist found no evidence of TMJ, and my dentist didn't find anything either.

Also, rarely there's a dull pain behind my right eye, but my eyes checked out clear at the optometrist.

07-10-14, 07:48
I sometimes get pains behind my eyes with headaches and I think I can recall having it with the grinding, but far less often than the rest which were all pretty much daily to one degree or another. If you clench your jaw, the muscle near to the temple also clenches hence why the ache or pain can seem all up the side of your face.

Could it be clenching? I'm assuming that this wouldn't show any damage to the teeth but they should be able to determine if there was any enlargement or inflamation of the jaw muscles.

07-10-14, 08:44
I sometimes get pains behind my eyes with headaches and I think I can recall having it with the grinding, but far less often than the rest which were all pretty much daily to one degree or another. If you clench your jaw, the muscle near to the temple also clenches hence why the ache or pain can seem all up the side of your face.

Could it be clenching? I'm assuming that this wouldn't show any damage to the teeth but they should be able to determine if there was any enlargement or inflamation of the jaw muscles.
Interesting... I don't have pain in the face other than occasionally behind the eye. Sometimes it'll hit my right temple, but often it's just my right ear and my head above and around that ear.

My ENT recommended a treatment for mild TMJ, like taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug, getting a night guard to stop grinding (IF that's what I'm doing--he couldn't tell and neither could my dentist), eating a soft food diet, and applying heat whenever there's pain.

I've been trying all of this (except for the night guard, given the cost which I can't afford quite yet), and it doesn't seem to be making any difference.

So my health anxiety automatically kicks up a notch or ten... :wacko:


About 10 years ago I got an MRI when my doctor wanted to rule out Multiple Sclerosis... I was eventually diagnosed with fibromyalgia instead. But fibro doesn't bring on these symptoms like I've had them, which is another reason I'm worried. I can explain many aches and pains away as fibro, but not these headaches.

Also about 10 years ago I had a CT scan, after a strange, one-time incident when I woke up one morning with one side of my face and tongue numb, and unable to see entire sentences on a computer screen. I was only able to read them by following my finger from one word to the next... My doctor got upset at me when I didn't report this to her right away, and looking back I can't imagine why I was so nonchalant about it!

Back then, the only health anxiety I experienced was during the time before my fibro was diagnosed. Those were confusing times. But after my diagnosis, I understood my pain and was able to plan for it.

BUT this year I've had so many new pains hit me one after another. These headaches/earaches are the latest and most long-lasting. I'm so exhausted from all this new pain, and especially from my skyrocketing health anxiety as a result.

These headaches really do worry me, and I wish I could just get to the bottom of it... and find out that nothing's seriously wrong.

---------- Post added at 03:44 ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 ----------

The exercise was just:

1) Open mouth wide.
2) Touch tongue to roof of mouth and hold for a few seconds.
3) Repeat.

It did alleviate the symptoms a little. Why not give it a try if you think you are grinding?

Another way is relaxation techniques. Maybe Progressive Muscle Stimulation (PMR) might help with grinding if its that?

Thanks for these, Terry. I'll try them.

How often do you need to repeat the mouth exercise?

07-10-14, 21:35
Saw the doctor today. He has a reputation for blaming almost everything on stress, and today was the same.

I asked if he was worried, and he said No. And he gave me a requisition for massage and physiotherapy for my posture.

He also ordered an MRI, "to make sure we're not missing anything in there."

This is a double-edged sword, of course. Now that I'm having the scan, I'm afraid they'll find a tumor. But if he hadn't ordered it, I'd be afraid of a tumor going undiagnosed. So I'd be afraid either way.

But right now I'm having trouble keeping a handle on my fear of what they might find.

Who else has had anxiety leading up to an MRI for headaches? And what were the results of your scan?

08-10-14, 03:44
Has anyone here had a headache/earache combination that was one-sided, AND was helped by a chiropractor or massage therapist?

08-10-14, 05:17
Thanks for these, Terry. I'll try them.

How often do you need to repeat the mouth exercise?

It was just a few minutes whilst lying in bed before sleep.

08-10-14, 09:12
Thanks, Terry!

---------- Post added at 04:12 ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 ----------

Does no one have experience getting relief, or even solving problems completely, with a chiropractor?

mark henri
08-10-14, 15:29
Wow, so nice and charming. I will inform all of my friends to visit your website. Because, most of my friends have headache and they need the solution .i wish your website will be very good for us.

09-01-15, 02:02
Been dealing with headaches chronically, nearly every day, since March 5, 2014. They are awful. Had multiple tests done (sinus scan, CT scan, etc.) and nothing has come from them. Removed multiple things from my diet. Removed caffeine from my life for a while. I've done everything. I've basically accepted them as regular parts of my life just to deal with.

09-01-15, 14:21
Any of you ladies on here that suffer with headaches, sometimes something as simple as tight shoulder straps on your bras can cause them !!!!!!

09-01-15, 17:30
For ladies I know pms does not help :( or jaw disorder :(

24-02-15, 10:00

Ive been pretty stressed and anxious recently lots of changes in my job has sent me into a pretty much daily panic attack cycle.

Yesterday I suddenly got this terrible headache at the back of my head and just above my ears. Took some ibuprofen and it didn't touch it so I went to bed and slept fine all night. I have woken up today still with the headache its not quite as bad but its still not very good.

I can't take paracetamol as I'm allergic so just wondering if anyone has had any success with any other remedies?

Any help welcome as I work on a PC so I'm struggling right now.

12-07-15, 12:59
Hi there. I'm getting worried here. I've been getting headaches now for the last 3weeks each day but not the whole day,it comes and goes. Sometimes its really bad that I'm like a zombie and then there's times that its light but its several times a day more than just once or twice. Yesterday I took some painkillers but it doesn't help. My shoulders actually get stiff now the last 5 or 6days and I get iretated fast the last 3days due to the headaches with my 7yr old son. And then also the last week I wake up with a bad backache but after 3hours it goes away. I do drink a lot of purified water and eat mostly 2times a day. Lost 28kg in a years time now and I don't pick up weight wich is a good sign I'm weighing 83kg now. Need help with advice for headaches A.S.A.P please please and thank you. :unsure:

26-07-15, 23:09
Been a migraine sufferer for years now, get one a week usually. I wonder if the anxiety caused the migraines initially or vice versa.

15-08-15, 20:06
Hi everyone,

My name is Ryan Smith. I am 29 and am married to my beautiful wife Janine. I have been a carer for my wife over the past 5 years since she developed severe generalised anxiety disorder. We have worked hard together and have come up with many coping strategies.

During this period we have had our ups and downs like everybody, some days can be a lot more tough than others. I have always thought that support for us can be difficult. With the busyness of the NHS appointments with doctors and counsellors can be very hard to come by.

Many times myself and more importantly my wife want to speak to a professional. At the very least for reassurance. Hence I began thinking, what if there was a way to be able to call or see a doctor in our home who knows our story from home, what if we could call a counsellor when we needed one. I would happily pay for them if there was a service available.

Looking at my options, I found that nhs was not available and private GPs/psychiatrists/counsellors were just far too expensive. But why? Why can't we have a simple phone service in a world where everything is now available almost instantly at home and prices are getting cheaper and cheaper.

After many months of failed search I finally decided 2 years ago, that I would set one up myself. Thankfully, after many phone calls, emails, letters and meetings I have together with a lovely hardworking team helped set up a service to meet our needs.
We call the service DBL Carefree - to inspire to be carefree about our anxieties with the help of complete reassurance and advice from experts. We have obtained expert doctors, counsellors, specialists that are available instantly (no waiting times for appointments) all available by phone and video calls. The service can even provide home delivery of prescriptions. We have worked hard to formulate a complete package with many healthcare discounts and benefits to go together with what we strongly believe is going to be an incredible service.

I want people to be able to take advantage of this service as it will bring incredible benefit. So I have arranged for 2000 free/discounted memberships to be released. Please let people know about this service so people can take advantage of something which will make life a lot easier.

Please visit our facebook page DBL Pocket doctor 24/7, like it to keep in touch with developments and share it to family and friends. From there you can enter our competition to be one of the 2000 guys to get a free/discounted membership

Much love


4 New threads and this all saying the same thing. Admin kindly delete

27-08-15, 02:19
I have been suffering from headaches for about a week. I have been driving myself crazy thinking I am having an aneurysm. I am trying to stay away from WEBMD but I keep finding myself googling. Any advice on how to ease this anxiety?

25-09-15, 14:49
Hi everyone, I've always been prone to headaches as well as the odd migraine however since starting on fluoxetine they have been an almost daily occurrence. I really don't think I can take much more of it.

I seen my doc last week who believes it's just a side effect and prescribed me amitriptyline to take alongside my fluoxetine because the fluoxetine has worked so well for everything else. I started the amitriptyline last night after having to go home from work early with a really severe headache which has continued on to today. I'm taking cocodomal which is barely helping it. Feeling miserable,
Just came off the phone to a really snooty pharmacist who I called to ask about tramadol as my mum had given me some she had in house in case the headaches got really bad but both leaflets say there can be an interaction so I wanted to check .... She was more concerned that the tramadol hadn't been prescribed to me, I understand this is an issue and it's not what you're supposed to do but when you're in serious pain of course you're gonna take anything available, she advised me not to take them.

Anyway guess I just needed a little rant and came on for some reassurance and support. 💜

11-10-15, 19:26
In June I had a headache in the back of my head for 3 days it really worried me.I would take a painkiller the pain would subside for a few hours then return.
After a few days it went the pain was only in the back of my head.I went and saw my GP she said migraines are only in the front of the head and effects the eyes.I haven't had the headache since June but had a reoccurrence yesterday and today. Any advice please ☺

13-10-15, 01:11
Hi folks, I'm new here. Be gentle, please. lol

I'm Ian, I'm 38, and live in Western Canada.

For most of my life I've suffered depression and anxiety/panic. In 2008, I was formally diagnosed with GAD and put on Cymbalta (60mg) once a day. Since then, I've been on and off various medications, most good, some not, one horrible experience with Brintellix (or Trintellix as it's marketed here in Canada).

Currently I'm on 150mg Wellbutrin XL (brand name) once a day. It's my second go-round with it. The first time (in 2013) it worked well, but I noticed a decline in my kidney function (I'm a transplant recipient) so I took myself off it. Between then and now I was on Effexor (37.5mg) along with Modafinil.

I had a massive breakdown October 1st, after about nine months of being without antidepressants at all (with the help of a FANTASTIC counsellor). Woke up, couldn't speak without crying. Had to call off work and I've been off ever since. That day, I went to my doc and asked him to put me back on Wellbutrin. It's been..okay (the brand name is superior to the generic, FYI heh), however, the one thing I noticed that's different between this experience on it and when I was on it last time is that I'm getting headaches from it now that I never got when I was on it previously. They're, quite frankly, scaring the hell out of me. They're not "Worst Headache Of Life", but the way my anxiety works is that I can't help but anticipate one that WILL be, and I won't recognize it in time and it'll be too late. I have a deep fear of dying suddenly.

If this is the wrong forum, feel free to slap my wrist or whatever :), but has anyone had similar experiences? I swear, if you do a search through my Chrome history, you'll find twenty different searches for "Wellbutrin Aneurysm" or "Symptoms of Aneurysm". I notice one pupil is slightly larger than the other, but again, that could just be my mind playing tricks on me.

I'm not sure if I'm looking for answers or just need to vent my fear. It's caused me to cry more often than not lately, and that's not good for a 38 year old male..heh.

Thanks for reading, at the very least.

13-10-15, 01:53
No one will slap your wrists because we have all been there .

But you said it yourself it's a fear !!, you sound in the depths of Anxiety and the more you feed the fear the more your body reacts .

Okay get you completly. two reasons and i do hope both will help you shed some light on how bad Anxiety can feed our fear .

Okay in 2012 my 50 fit athletic built Brother died of a blood clot on his brain ! Now trust me he didn't have time to be conversing with anyone Hun .

Okay I was there when he died and for months after I was convinced I would die like he did , every head pain and I get a lot with my anxiety I truly thought this is it I am a going to die .
2015 and I am still here . I have cluster headaches due to stress and I always think I am dying ,
I would put my house on it your not .

Okay next example of the hell anxiety plays with our body's a few months ago I was having major vision issues and I was terrified convinced I was going blind ( I have a hearing problem ) and I also teach lIpreading so my eyes are always on red alert .

I came on here one night and I was just beside myself and I saw a post from someone was more or less describing my symtoms and I spoke to him thinking no way this can't be right .

He told me what he was going through and it was a perfect match to mine .

Now I am not saying we both don't still worry and but when it happens knowing we are both in the same boat is so so good .

He is very specail to me now and yeah on the bad nights when my vision is going crazy I turn to him because he knows what I am seeing .( hope that makes sense ) .

So there is prove of what Anxiety can do .

I did both I vented my fear and looked for answers and no one judged me in fact you will see much venting on here and no judging .

I found my answer on here and now we keep each other calm .

Vent away Ian .

---------- Post added at 01:53 ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 ----------

Sorry if that's not much help .

13-10-15, 12:32
Thank you. That info is so helpful. I notice that a lot of us immediately think 'brain tumor ' whenever we get a headache. And of course the anxiety then causes more headaches.....and away we go with Dr Google, developing all the symptoms and more besides.....

21-12-15, 03:24
You DO NOT have an aneurysm. If you did, you would know that something was seriously, seriously wrong. N,o do I have a headache? OMG I think I have a headache? There it is? What if it were an aneurysm? OMG! Because, if that is what it is, you and I both know what it is. It is not an aneurysm, but it does start with a...

21-12-15, 19:39
Aneurysm is what I think I have. The Dr I seen told me a symptom and now that's what I panic over. I keep telling myself its not going to warn me, but I can't get rid of the feeling.. May have to go to the drs and discuss things. But Im in cymbalta and not too happy with the idea of coming off it. Rock and hard place comes to mind..

15-02-16, 13:34
My head hurts a lot when I cough or laugh hard- the pain lasts no more than 30-50 seconds, but it's intense and feels like pressure, like something's about to burst in my head :( I don't have the classic 'headache' and this doesn't last long like I mentioned. Does anyone know what this is? I will be going to the Dr about it.
Dr Google makes it sound very scary.
I'm a 33 year old female.

09-03-16, 13:15
Does anyone have frequent headaches ? I seem to get them every couple of weeks in the back of my head which is worrying me :(

---------- Post added at 13:15 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------

Does anyone get headaches in the back of their head?

26-05-16, 09:40
I have slight headaches like irritating little aches not enough for me to stop going about my daily business but enough for me to wonder why i have them, my headaches are usually pressure on top of my head or the side or round about the eye, i do have bad sinuses and ears are they likely to be a cause?

05-06-16, 08:49
i have headaches when i don't have my coffee in the morning, i think its actually more some kind of coffee addiction :-s i have approx 8 cups a day.

05-06-16, 15:10
I do have the same fear. Mine started from a stiff neck then I constantly have this headache but not so severe. I feel ache on the back of my head, top, center, and front. Sometimes my eyes hurts too, but as the nature of my work. I am always infront of a laptop. Sometimes I get this skipped heart beats. Yesterday I had it after picking up a shirt that was fallen on the ground. :/ :( Im so scared! Anxiety hits me hard! I thought I can manage and overcome this! T_T

30-10-16, 20:49
I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia at the beginning of this year but am not sure the diagnosis is correct as my meds-Tegretol are not doing anything at all, so I'm waiting on results from an MRI. My worries are that I used to drink very heavy about 15 years ago so I went into hospital and took a long break. When I went back and spoke to the doc 10 years ago he asked if I remembered what we spoke about which I assumed was about cutting down so I said yes, so for the last 10 years I've been doing it sensibly but had to stop 3 years ago to look after my mum. I was doing fine until this year when I started getting excruciating pain down the left side of my head which lead onto my face. I also get bad chest pains aswell and I haven't heard of anyone getting this. I'm very scared that I could be getting wet brain as I don't remember any of what the doc said when I was in hospital. I'm quite coherent and have been and still am looking after my mum well so I hope this isn't the case. Could anyone with experience of this illness please help me out. Many thanks in advance and apologies for the rambling!

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ----------

I would rather sort out my fast heartbeat because I do get worried that it's either because of the headache or something completely different. Had this scan last Wednesday so it's a matter of waiting now. Seem to be getting symptoms which don't add up to tn. Rapid heartbeat, ringing in ears and lazy eye too. People tell me different people have different symptoms but this seems like a different illness altogether.

15-04-17, 22:17
Recently (After my chest infection which is in another thread) I've been getting some tension headaches, it's focused on the left side of my face and feels like it's at the back of my skull and in my eyes, worming it's way inside to done insidious things.

It comes and goes sometimes but it seems to linger for hours if not days. It's frustrating to deal with and a part of me is going with the rational option of determining it's anxiety based and the bulk is going towards "It's cancer, anurism, brain eating insect, etc"

I've already seen an optician who said there was no problems other than a bit of dry eyes, and I'm hoping to book a GP in the next few weeks to see if it's anything serious. It's frustrating as hell.

16-05-17, 10:03
Hey Temascos, I can sympathise as I get exactly the same. Optician also told me I had dry eyes so gave me drops which haven't really helped, I think the key is trying to relax which for us is easier said than done! Haha

12-01-18, 15:11
I've had a constant headache everyday for as long as i can remember... Or at least for the past 20yrs. Sometimes it's worse than other times. I've never seen anyone about it. By the time i learnt that i have constant headaches, i'd already just learnt to live with them.

On those wonderful rare moments (which last between 10min to an hour) i can experience no headache at all and it is pure bliss!!!

I guess when they start interfering with my life or get worse, i'll have it checked out.

19-09-18, 08:24
I am prone to headaches too. Normally after a day or 3 it goes away with some ibuprofen. Now it lasts for nearly 2 weeks. The back of my head connection with neck, sides and forehead. Sometimes my teeth feel sour, I get electric whooshing in my ears and I have short moments of lightheadedness. O and my jaws are stiff like hell. Tomorrow I will see my doctor again but I know what he will say already.
So strange I don't feel that stressed at the moment aqtually. But worrying is stress i guess. I hate this feeling. Some days it is nearly ghone other days I have to take a pain killer. The pressure feeling on the side and forehead remains a bit. I think it is the worry that enlarges and intensifies everything as well.

I should say I don't feel extra pain or pressure while sporting, it releaves.

Can anyone relate to these feelings or should I worry??

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10-03-19, 19:05
Rob, can I suggest that you start your own thread about your issues? just copy paste this one into it... you may get more replies that way

10-03-19, 19:06
I have done just that, many thanks :)

20-02-20, 11:29
Anyone ever had off and on head pressure ? No pain. Just wondering because I’m scared .

02-03-20, 13:15
Headaches due to muscle issues, can also be treated by eating multivitamin rich foods. While massaging coconut oil is also effective, as it provided me a sudden relief from headache that was really painful.

28-05-20, 09:10
Anyone ever had off and on head pressure ? No pain. Just wondering because I’m scared .

Yes, this is what I'm going through now. Pressure on the top of my head, however mine is constant and has been for the last 3-4 days. Then I'll randomly get sharp stabbing pain anywhere around my head. The temples, back or even top of head. It feels like someone has put a weight on the top of my head most of the time.

24-06-21, 08:51
Good Morning,

So the last few weeks I’ve had a lovely achey neck and tension headache.. I’ve an appt with my doctor tomorrow , but does anyone have an miracle cure or treatments they’ve used to help with neck and head tension. I usually use white tiger balm and heat and cold compress! Along with regular breathing and mindfulness, but of course I’m tense from anxiety, but I can’t get on top of the pain or tenderness!

Any ideas or suggestions welcome…

many thanks

Sarah x

24-06-21, 12:56
A massage is great. You could either get someone else to do it or yourself. It'll help release any tension that is there.

24-07-21, 09:10
Hi all,

I haven't been on the forum for ages, since I managed to overcome my fear of bowel cancer (with the help of a clear colonoscopy) but the fear is back about something new.

In December 2019 I had the most awful sinus issue, possibly an infection so had anti biotics, anyway I think since this time I've suffered with headaches, one particular attack in about June 2020 which I had to go to bad, I haven't had one that intense since but I had been getting them regularly, sometimes lasting days and sometimes just in the morning until I get up and move around.

The logical explanation is that I have issues from the sinus issue but in my head it's a brain tumour, and of course my symptoms all fit!

I hate anxiety

13-10-21, 04:13
I read an interesting stat today that made me think about brain tumors logically - or at least mathematically.

I read that the overall incidence of primary brain tumors is around 4.7 in 100,000. Think about that. Those are incredibly low odds.

I then coupled that with the fact that in most U.S. states, headaches are the #1 reason for visits to the ER (A&E).

This tells me that many many people have headaches that are severe or concerning enough to convince them it's an emergency, but very few of those turn out to be brain tumors.