View Full Version : health anxiety meltdown

26-02-09, 14:45
I am feeling like I am going to explode with anxiety/worry and not sure I can take any more

I was diagnosed three weeks ago with anxiety and depression following an ectopic pregnancy that I had during just before Christmas

I have been having severe health anxiety around lung and breast cancer, I have been having a burning sensation down my arm and in my breast with pain and some shoulder pain (lower back pain at times too) and I was (and am still worried )convinced I had breast cancer despite my GP examining and doing a host of blood tests to tell me I am ok. I paid for a private consultation and mammogram which came back clear, but I am still geting the pain so it is like a viccious circle, where I want to feel better but the pain comes and makes me anxious/mind run away

My GP refered me to mental health crisis team: they are seeing me every other day since Monday but yesterday in addtion to citralopram the physciatrist prescribed Olanzapine 5mg to take and when I read the side effects I just freaked out. I have rang them today and said that one of the side effects, I read about whas diabetes which is in our family including cardio vascular problems so would prefer this choice of drug to be reveiwed.

I have been getting breast pain all day and I am at the point where I dont know what is real anymore, I keep getting told I am fine and the pain is anxiety related etc but then I will read about somebody that has been misdiagnosed and I panic

I am scared infact terrified, I just want to go back to work and get back to being normal, I have always been anxious and a worrier but not to this extent

I lost my mum ten years ago to very aggressive cancer so this fuels the phobia, the mental health team whilst being very nice have just talked so far and tried to reassure me, I dont know what to do can anybody help or advise me?


26-02-09, 16:28
Hello there
You really sound like you are in a pickle at the moment.....but it's understandable that you're so stressed so soon after an ectopic pregnancy. Your hormones are probably playing up too. I also have a terrible fear of breast and lung cancer after strange xrays (see my thread, worried sick.....)
The people on this site are brilliant and it really helps to read posts about all sorts of things. It seems to me that anyone who has experienced cancer in the family really are scared.....which I'm sure is normal. Anxiety just makes it 1000 times worse.
Take care,
Peggy X

26-02-09, 17:50
the team spoke to me this afternoon and now want to put me on Respiridone as well as my citralopram as a replacement for the Olanzapine.

this just upset me more as I feel I am getting meds pushed on me rather than resolving what is causing the deep rooted issues

I felt I had made improvements earlier this week after my initial visit with them but feel worse since last night and today

26-02-09, 20:16
just bumping this up and wondering if anybody can advise?

26-02-09, 21:14
I feel for you I really do, I know that its been hard on you these last months. Having HA is a daily torture for me, so knowing that i completely understand what you are going through.

You must have some faith in what you are being told by doctors, you have had many tests done and all come back clear, this is hard to do, I know this, I have trouble myself believing what i am told by doctors. Today being one of them. But doctors are there to ask for reasurrance and help if you need it, so my guess is if you are worried, please talk to them and express your concerns. I guess i will be doing the same tomorrow. Be stong

Pm me if you wanna chat

Hugs xx