View Full Version : swollen glands

21-07-05, 19:22
hi - started to cope with panic attacks ok, chest apins, shortness of breathetc also heartburn and tight throat. last few days i have had swollen glands, under my adams apple, finally plucked up courage to go to docs today and she gave me penicillin. so now 75mg aspirin, 25mg atenenol and 250mg 4 times a day penicillin - i should be rattling! seeing cardio doc next tues so he can rule out probs with heart - just wish i could feel well again!

21-07-05, 21:49
Hi Adele,

Good luck next Tuesday, hope it all goes well for you

Take Care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

26-07-05, 13:35
hi emma - thanks for replying - went to hospiatl today and all ok! now alls i need to do is stop panicking! i wish it was as easy as that. went shopping after hospital - nothing too heavy - i just had a birthday present to get for someone, started to feel light headed whilst waiting in q, why is that? what possible harm can it do me waiting in a q? anyway, kept saying to myself "these are just feelings - i am not going to faint" and it went off a bit - still really glad to get back to the car tho!
my husband is getting a bit worried, now that i have had all clear heart wise he thinks that should be the end of it - i can understand how he feels, a few months ago i would have been the same, but unless you have experienced it you dont know how it feels. take care

26-07-05, 14:24
Glad to hear that all went ok at the hospital!! It's pretty common to get anxious in queues - I used to be like that. It was the just standing there that really got to me. At least now that you know that all is ok, you will have more chance of relaxing..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

26-07-05, 15:18
Hi there

Glad all was ok at the hospital.
Hope this makes you feel better in the long run. It's hard for people who have not experienced anxiety to understand how we sufferers feel so just vent out here with us.

Take care

Elaine x