View Full Version : numbness in face, always light headed

26-02-09, 17:37
I know these are symptoms of Anxiety, but has enyone heard of the lightheadedness not going away, it's always there, it never goes away and I have slight Numbness on face and neck.

Please let me know if anyone has ever had or heard of this with anxiety. I'm afraid it's MS or something.

26-02-09, 19:25

My main symptom is constant lightheadedness/spaced out feeling which varies with intensity. I occasionally get numbness/tingling on my face too.


27-02-09, 15:11

My main symptom is constant lightheadedness/spaced out feeling which varies with intensity. I occasionally get numbness/tingling on my face too.


Really constant, it doesn't really go away?
I'm so glad you posted. I'm going to see someone Monday about it. I talked with her (she's a clinical psych) She said it's rare to experience constant lightheadedness, but it can happen. An attack can trigger it and the brain has a hard time reajusting to normal. For me it's been 6 days. Sometimes it is not as noticable but is always there. My face started to get a little numb on the second or third day after the dizziness started. It goes down to my ears and neck even. It's in the sufice of my skin, not deep.
I get scared and even more anxious so now my legs and arms are a little weak and my mind thinks I have MS or something and I really get freak out and everything gets worse. Like after an adrinaline rush but it's most of the time. I think it just got out of control.
What have you done to help yours?

27-02-09, 20:43
oh my god youve just discribed me

28-02-09, 09:44
I've had this problem for 12 years now - no, I haven't been dizzy/spaced out for 12 years but in that time I have had 4 episodes of it which have all been linked to stress/anxiety. And as you say, it varies in intensity and sometimes is less noticeable. BUT I have had years of no dizziness too.

Can't really say that there is anything that immediately helps - my dizziness just seems to disperse over time.

28-02-09, 15:00
Have had a spell of lightheadedness, spaced out feeling for about 4 weeks after a bad Panic Attack and initial dizziness....the feeling was there almost continually but disappeared eventually and has not returned....yet!XXXX

21-11-10, 12:55
I know these are symptoms of Anxiety, but has enyone heard of the lightheadedness not going away, it's always there, it never goes away and I have slight Numbness on face and neck.

Please let me know if anyone has ever had or heard of this with anxiety. I'm afraid it's MS or something.

Hi. had this same feelings for over a month now, also been told it is Anxiety with Panic attacts, but dont know why the lightheadedness and tingling feeling in my face dont go away.. done blood, eeg, ekg, ct scans all clean. blood pressure, sugar levels normal been on medication talimil help with the feeling faint and dizzy feeling but not with the rest, got ativan but is a fraid to get hooked.. wish i had somebody to talk to.
please anybody can contact me on : vanheerdenchantalle@yahoo.com need support have a 5 year old son and need to speak to somebody.