View Full Version : Scared to death!!!!

21-07-05, 20:05
Well been having my funny turns now as my wife calls them for about 2 weeks!! Really starting to worry me now![V]

My story......

I am a fit man of 33 years old i am a Chief Petty Officer in the Royal Navy. I have quite a important job, i am in charge of the entire ships electrical systems, never in the past though have i felt worried or concerned about my job!

3 months ago i broke my leg skiing in France, since then i had to be enployed off ship whilst my leg heals well 2 weeks ago i was told i am fit enough to go back to work, i was quite glad as i was about to loose my sea bonus pay which is quite abit of cash!

about a day after i was told i could go back to sea i was sitting in my lounge at home with the cat on my lap and i had just polished off a nice pizza(meat feast[:P]), all of a sudden without warning my head seemed to start floating and went really dizzy my heart started to flap about like mad and i thought oh no what is this going on! i went really hot and sweaty instantly! it only lasted about 30 seconds and after the event i felt really tingley all over! I even rang the NHS help line number as i was short i was on the verge of dying in my lounge!!

So over next 3 days had another few of these episodes usually for no reason and at anytime without warning[V] I went to my local GP who listened to my heart and took my BP and it was slightly high but he said not to worry and said it seemed to be stress related.

So anyhow i re-joined my ship back in plymouth we were just about to start a intensive 3 week exercise and war training and i saw the doc on board about my 'spells' i was having and he listened to my heart but could'nt get a good listen as we were at sea and bit noisey, so he sent me on a boat to go to sickbay in Plymouth dockyard to get ECG's.

So here i am at sickbay i had ECG and Bloods taken ECG was fine and she said not to worry and results will be in a few days for the blood.

So there i was back at sea 2 days later i was all closed up at action stations when all of a sudden the doc came to me am pulled me out of the exercise as a matter of medical emergency!![|)] So by now i thought christ i have got problems i started to feel really bad now my guts were in knots i was feeling pretty poo and had a couple of spells in a short time!

He told me my bloods have come back and they showed a raised enzyme in bmy blood which means i could have had 'an episode' so next thing was a helicopter ride to Derriford Hospital Plymouth.

An over night stay there with more ECG's and intensive bloods came upall negative and the doc says the raised enzymes were due to massive muscle wastage i have in my leg due to breaking it!!

Any how sorry for going on i am now back at work and feeling kind of ok i get a really nervous feeling in my stomach most of the day i also get aches in my left arm, a feeling of something stuck in my throat most of the time and a couple dizzy spells!1

This is horrid and i have joined this forum in a hope of finding a way to beat/control these feelings i have!;)


21-07-05, 20:13
i have been having these "attacks" for a month r so now - they came out of the blue and for no apparent reason.
chest pains, feeling as though something is stuck in my throat, dizziness etc.
it is not a good feeling.
this forum is really good - it helps to know that you are not going to die, have a heart attack or go mad!
good luck

21-07-05, 20:24
Thanks for sharing your story :)

The little episodes and symptoms that you describe are trademark of anxiety and panic attacks. If all the results came back fine, then you have nothing major to worry about. You've had a scary time and you now need to try to calm down and get back to your normal life. Hope we can help you achieve this..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

21-07-05, 22:13
Hi, definately, sounds like good old anxiety symptoms to me.. Let us know how you get on. Good luck

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

21-07-05, 22:59
Thankyou for sharing your story.

I really hope the site helps


21-07-05, 23:51

How lovely to have been investigated so thoroughly.
Its interesting and worth noting that when you were pulled out of action that yoiu had 2 of these turns as well as feeling rubbish .. that was definate stess induced so if the turns are all similar then thats a good indication of its source.

New Member (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1166)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-07-05, 09:24
Welcome to the site Philip

Sure you'll be sorted out in no time.

Love Piglet[8D]

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-07-05, 23:13
Hi Philip


There are lots of nice people here who will help
and support you.



22-07-05, 23:17
Because of the job you are in you almost defiantly have a heck of a lot of stress on a pretty much day to day basis. The leg break and the subsequent "lay up" would have gave you time to brings other things to the front of your mind. Things that up until now where safely tucked away. Even the thought of loosing the bonus would have been a worry.

Being laid up leaves you with not a lot to do. Problems play with your mind, things seam worse. Whereas if you where doing your work you would be far to busy to even give these situations a second thought.

Because you where having these episodes when you went back to work makes is not un-expected. You how have a fear of them. Fear is great hunting ground for panic attacks. If you have a fear of them they have every opportunity to come back.

Now you should concentrate on getting your self back into the swing of things. You now know what that the episodes are not due to a health problem. That is one less thing to have fear about. It's all about getting back into a routine, and knowing you may have an episode, but also knowing it won't harm you. Knowing what it is will be the first step to recovery.